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White Belt (10th Gup): Represents a blank canvas, signifying the beginning of a student's journey in jiafu.


  1. setup-vcode
  2. setup-neocities
  3. create your first web page and upload/publish it on neocities

Yellow Belt (8th Gup): Represents the earth from which a plant sprouts and takes root as the student's skills begin to develop.


Green Belt (6th Gup): Represents the growth of the plant into a strong tree, indicating the student's increasing proficiency.


Blue Belt (4th Gup): Represents the blue sky, indicating the continuing progress and increasing proficiency of the student.


Red Belt (2nd Gup): Represents the sun setting, indicating a deeper level of understanding and maturity in jiafu.


Black Belt (Dan): Traditionally, there are ten degrees of black belt, each representing a new level of expertise. The highest achievable rank is the 10th-degree black belt.
