Liquid is a templating language used by 11ty (Eleventy) for dynamic content generation. Here's a brief overview of some Liquid template basics: ### Variables: ```liquid {{ variableName }} ``` Example: ```liquid {{ title }} ``` ### Filters: ```liquid {{ variableName | filterName }} ``` Example: ```liquid {{ date | date: "YYYY-MM-DD" }} ``` ### Tags: Control flow and logic with tags: ```liquid {% if condition %} {% endif %} ``` Example: ```liquid {% if page.title == "Home" %} Welcome! {% endif %} ``` ### Loops: Use `{% for item in array %}...{% endfor %}` for iterating through arrays. Example: ```liquid {% for post in posts %} {{ post.title }} {% endfor %} ``` ### Includes: Reuse code with `{% include "filename" %}`. Example: ```liquid {% include "header.html" %} ``` ### Layouts: Create layouts with `{% layout "layoutname" %}` to structure pages. Example: ```liquid {% layout "base.njk" %} ``` ### Data Files: Supply data from JSON or JavaScript files. Example: ```liquid --- layout: "base" --- ``` ### Collections: Group related content into collections for easy iteration. Example: ```liquid collections.posts ``` ### Custom Shortcodes: Define custom reusable snippets with `{% shortcode %}`. Example: ```liquid {% figure src="/img/image.jpg" alt="Description" %} ``` ### Conditional Output: Use `{% if variable %}...{% else %}...{% endif %}` for conditional rendering. Example: ```liquid {% if %} Author: {{ }} {% endif %} ``` ### Template Layouts: Organize content within templates using layout files. Example: ```liquid {% extends "layouts/base.njk" %} ``` This is a basic overview, and Liquid supports more features and functionalities. Refer to the official Liquid documentation and 11ty documentation for more in-depth details and examples.