001 - Cabbage Stirfry

  1. cut up your cabbage into bite sized pieces
  2. mix 1 tbs of salt, pepper, suger into a small bowl, mix it up, you will use this basic mix as needed
  3. start by covering pan with oil - turn to high heat
  4. add cabbage to pan - cut enought to fill pan with bite sized pieces - cabbage will reduce when you stir fry and add water later
  5. mix cabbage in pan so the oil covers every piece if possible
  6. next sprinkle spice mix of sale, pepper, sugar - pinch and sprinkle on every bite - more or less depending on how spice you like your stir fry you can always add more later
  7. stir fry in oil for 1 minute mix and infuse spice into cabbage and oil
  8. add soy sauce - enough to coat every bite
  9. stire fry cabbage in soy sauce for 15 seconds - it will burn soon if you don't add water
  10. add 1 cup of water
  11. reduce heat to med and cover
  12. add corn starch/water mix if you like thick sauce - i don't use corn starch
  13. let it simmer for 5 minutes while covered
  14. all done - ready to eat