Using Office PowerPoint (2016)
  1. Signing in to PowerPoint - Regardless of your PowerPoint 2016 license type, you have the option to sign into PowerPoint with your Microsoft account or Office 365 school or work account. So, don't think that signing in is just for Office 365 subscribers, it's not. Signing in offers you additional options, like access to OneDrive, your free Cloud storage, as well as additional sharing, collaboration, and co-authoring features. All you need is a Microsoft account to sign in. To sign in to PowerPoint 2016, you'll find a sign-in button from a couple of different locations. Up on your Title bar, you'll have a Sign in button located in the upper right-hand portion of your screen, and in your backstage view under Account you'll also see a Sign In button here. Either way will bring up a window that for right now looks just like this. Don't be alarmed if when you click that Sign in button your screen looks a little bit different; it seems every single time I click that Sign In button, this window gets updated or changed just a little bit. But right now it is asking for an email address or phone number to log in, and I'm going to type in using my email address. And just for your information, this is the email address that is connected to my Office 365 subscription, which is also a Microsoft account. So, I'm just going to go ahead and click Next. And then it's going to take me to a separate Sign in page, and ask for my Microsoft account information. So here is where I enter my password, and once I've typed that in hopefully correctly, I'll go ahead and click that Sign in button, and now I am signed into PowerPoint and all of Office, for that matter. In the backstage view from your account page, you should see your information appear under that account area. Your picture will appear, as well as your email address. Here you can do things like change your photo, access the about me information, sign out, or even switch your account. So if you're like me and have multiple Microsoft accounts, this is the account I use for training purposes, but I also have a personal one that I use for just my family, and a work one that I use for work. And you also have options to personalize that account and all of that, those personalizations, the Office background, and the theme that you choose, will follow around this account. So, no matter where I sign in, as soon as I sign in, all of those personalizations will be remembered and changed as soon as I log in. Down below, you'll also see Connected Services. Now right now you should see at least one connected service, and that will be your OneDrive, the OneDrive that is connected with that Microsoft account you signed in with, but you can add additional services. And that we'll talk about in an upcoming clip.

  2. Adding Services to PowerPoint - There are several kinds of services that you can add or connect to your Office account in PowerPoint, be it an image or video service, a cloud storage service, or a sharing and collaboration service. To add one of these kinds of services, navigate backstage by clicking on the File menu, and go to Account. In the lower left-hand portion of the screen, you should see an area for Connected Services. Beneath that area, you will see all the connected services currently connected to your account, such as your OneDrive Cloud storage. And under that, you'll see a button allowing you to add additional services. Clicking that button will open a submenu and display the kinds of services you can add. Let's say I wanted to add my Twitter account. Well, navigating to Sharing, I could then click on Twitter, which will then open that service's specific instructions for connecting to that account. You can also add additional OneDrive folders. Now, if you're like me and have several OneDrive or Microsoft accounts, like one for business and one for personal, and want to access both from within PowerPoint or your other Office applications, you can add those additional OneDrive locations here. Just hover your mouse over Storage, and click on OneDrive. That'll open up the Add a service window. From here you can type in that email address for your Microsoft account or that additional Office 365 account, whatever it is you have, so I'm going to type in that email address here. Once you've finished typing in that email address, and by the way, this is another fake account I use for training purposes, just going to go ahead and click Next, then it's going to prompt you for your password. Enter it in that password box there. And once you press Enter, then you should see that connected service added beneath that Connected Services area. And once that is connected, now whenever you go to your Save As dialog box, you will see that extra OneDrive area or location as an option for where you can save to. Likewise, that very same location will also be available for opening presentations. So that is one of the main benefits for adding additional or connecting these services to PowerPoint.

  3. Checking for PowerPoint Updates - Regardless of whether or not you have an Office 365 subscription, you can now check for updates to Office applications right from within the applications themselves. To check for updates from an open presentation or new presentation, just go to your backstage view by clicking on the File tab, and then click on Account. On the right-hand side of the screen, under Product Information, you'll see an area labeled Office Updates, which also lists the current version of PowerPoint you have installed. Clicking on the Update Options button will open a submenu with four options, Update Now, which will go online and check now for new updates, Disable Updates, which will turn off automatic updates if you are set to have updates installed automatically, like I am, View Updates, which will open a browser window and take you to the Office blog that lists all Office Update history for this product, or About Updates, which will open a small window explaining, well, everything I just explained, which to be honest, if you found that button in the first place, you probably don't need this information anymore, but let's go ahead and check for new updates now. Now, since I have my version of PowerPoint set for automatic updates, I doubt this will have anything new, but sometimes I do get a surprise. Now it'll go online, check for new updates, and if there are new updates, it will begin downloading and installing them automatically. If there aren't any updates, it will prompt me and tell me that I am currently all up-to-date. And that is how you can check for new updates right from within PowerPoint.

  4. Exploring the PowerPoint Interface - If you've been watching the clips in order, by this point you've seen a fair amount of the PowerPoint's backstage view, particularly this Account area. Well, let's explore what the other areas are in PowerPoint before we dive in and start creating our own presentations. So, let's hit this back arrow here, and dive into what PowerPoint calls the Normal View. So, this is the Normal View, and when designing your presentation, you will spend the vast majority of your time here. It has four main areas of interest. To the far left, this is the slides pane, which will display a thumbnail view of all of the slides in your presentation. You can grab hold of this side area here by hovering your mouse right over that divider bar, and move it out to make those thumbnails bigger, or drag it in to make those thumbnails smaller. And you can also scroll up and down or click on any one of these individual slides to change the other main area to the right, which will display whatever slide you have currently selected in your slides pane. Now this active slide right here, this is your main area, this is where you will go to update things like the font inside a placeholder or a textbox, update things like any images that you have, other content placeholders, change things like your slide design, or any other slide level elements. Down below this large slides area is another area, now, this area might be hidden by default. If it is, you can click on this Notes button here to hide or show that Notes area, or you can take your mouse and hover it over that dividing line right there, and you'll see your mouse change to an up and down arrow, and you can drag up or drag down to make that Notes area smaller. Now that Notes area, as the name suggests, is the area where you would type your notes for any given slide. Now, typically, people see this area as the place where people type notes for the speaker or the presenter. Later on we'll talk a little bit about the Presenter View and in that Presenter View these notes will display side-by-side that slide when you are presenting. There is also a Print View that you can, well, print your slides out to display these notes next to each individual slide. But I've also seen people use this notes area for other purposes. People can get really creative and use this area for handouts instead and redesign their Notes slide to be more like a handout rather than a notes page, but that's a little bit more advanced for this course. Just know that this area down here is for you to decide what you want to do with it. They can be notes for you, notes for your viewers, or notes for anyone who you share this deck with. It's up to you. But for right now, I'm going to go back and hide this by clicking on that Notes button on the status bar. And right next to that Notes button you'll see another button, which will bring up your fourth area on the next important area of your Normal View, and that's your Comments pane. Another great feature of PowerPoint, especially if you are collaborating with others, is the ability to comment on any individual slide or element of the slide. You can use this button to add a new comment, or use these buttons over here if you have comments to scroll through those previous and next comments in your presentation. When not in use, you can easily close this pane by hitting that X, or by clicking on that Comments button on the status bar to hide that pane. And those are the four main areas of interest that make up the normal view. Now there are other views of interest in PowerPoint. In fact, if we head over to these buttons right here, these are little shortcuts to other common views. Right next to the Normal View button, you'll find the Slide Sorter button. Now if you have a presentation with a lot of different slides, this is a very handy view for rearranging or reorganizing your presentation. This gives you a bird's eye view of your entire presentation, and all of its slides and various sections that your presentation contains. From here you can click and drag on any one slide to rearrange them, minimize a section, or click and drag on a section to move that section. So this is typically the section or the view I use when I, again, am kind of done throwing the content on the slide, but I haven't really decided on when or where I want to place that content. This is a great structure view. Now the next two views that you have shortcuts to from the status bar are your Reading and your Slideshow Views. These two views are typically for when your presentation is completely done. If you've received a presentation a colleague or friend has created and you just want to read or review it, the Reading View is very handy for that. This view will open up in a little private window, and you can use the navigation buttons below to quickly scroll through and play through that presentation. Any hyperlinks on that slide or any animations will play just as it would in Slideshow View. But in this view, you still have access to your common computer shortcuts, like your taskbar below. And finally, the last view here is the Slideshow View, and this is more than likely the view that most people are familiar with. This is designed for a presentation, when you are presenting to a live audience and want to show off full-screen your presentation. That shortcut on the status bar, by the way, usually will launch it to whatever slide you had currently selected in your PowerPoint file, and depending on your presentation preferences, this presentation, by the way, is set to cycle through until you hit the Escape key, so if I click my mouse over and over, it'll just go to the last slide or the beginning slide. And if I want to navigate to any of those hidden slides in the presentation, I have to use the links down below to access those hidden slides. So those are the four main views in PowerPoint, but that's not all of the views you have. In fact, from the ribbon, if you click on the View tab and go to the Presentation Views, you'll see the shortcuts to the views we just discussed, the Normal View, the Slide Sorter view, and the Reading View, but you have two additional views here. There is an Outline View, which instead of showing you that slides pane will swap and show you that old Outline View that we used to have way back when, many, many, many, many PowerPoint versions ago, where it shows you the text in this area. A lot of people prefer this view when they are creating their content, or copying and pasting their text from one presentation to another or from a Word document directly into this view. We also have the Notes page, which we can access form this view as well. So, if we were to print out our slides with notes, this is what our pages would look like. Each page will contain one slide and its speaker notes, so if we've typed in any speaker notes from that Normal View, here is where they will be printed in this little box down here. And on this view, we can change it. If we don't want this thumbnail to be so big, yeah, we can change it around, we can rearrange it however we like. But this isn't exactly the area that you would want to customize things like the size or the placement of placeholders. For all of that, any of those grand, sweeping changes, for that you want to access your Master Views. Now your Master Views control the look of your entire presentation. So if you want to change things across the board, all of your colors, all of your fonts, all of your slide backgrounds or effects, if you're creating a template for your other employees to use, those changes you want to do from your Slide Master or your Handout Master, or your Notes Master, rather than doing them in any of the individual presentation views. So that is kind of a high-level overview of all of your different views that you have access to from PowerPoint 2016.

  5. Working with Presentations - Now that we've gotten acquainted with some of PowerPoint 2016's basic application settings, let's dive in and learn about some ways to create our own presentations, starting from scratch, or from a template, and learn how to add slides and basic contact. In this next section, we'll also explore some basic formatting options for your presentation as a whole, from slide size, themes, variants, backgrounds, and sections, and we'll even talk a little bit about Office 365's newest feature, Designer, so stayed tuned.

  6. Creating a New Blank Presentation - To get started, starting our blank presentation, let's first open PowerPoint. Now, I have PowerPoint saved as a shortcut to my Taskbar, so I'm going to go ahead and click that, and that will open PowerPoint 2016 to this screen. Now, the blank presentation will be featured and should be in the upper left-hand corner of your presentation area. Technically the blank presentation is in and of itself a template, it's just a template that is completely blank. So, let's click on that, and PowerPoint will then create a completely blank presentation with one Title slide only, at least inside the presentation itself. Now this template or this presentation that's been created from this blank presentation template does have some other layouts that you can choose from. In fact, if we go up to our Home tab in the Slides group and click on that Layout dropdown, here are all of the slide layouts that come with our blank presentation template. We have the Title slide, which is the one that we're viewing by default, but it also comes with a Title and Content slide, a Section Header, a Two Content slide, a Comparison slide, which is very similar to the Two Content slide, only above those content areas there's another title area above each content area. There's also a Title Only slide, a completely Blank slide, a Content with Caption slide, and a Picture with Caption slide. If for some reason you do not want your first slide in your first presentation to begin with that Title slide, you can click on that Layout dropdown and choose from any one of these other layouts to swap out that first slide, but starting with the Title slide is usually a good idea.

  7. Adding Slides - Now to add additional slides to this presentation, we can also go up to the New Slide dropdown menu or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+M to add a slide to our presentation, and by default, that slide that will be added will be the Title and Content slide. Now, if for some reason you choose a different layout, say, a Comparison slide, and click on this button right here, that will add an additional slide of whatever the last slide you had previously, that's the slide that will be added, even if you use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+M. So that's how you add slides to your presentation, basically, from your Home tab in your Slides group. Now there are other ways, in addition to those keyboard shortcuts, you can also right-click anywhere in the slides pane and choose New Slide, or even Duplicate Slide. Now most slide layouts will come with text placeholders. This is what a text placeholder looks like. It's a little dotted rectangle, and it will have some kind of helper text on the inside, like Click to add title, or Click to add subtitle. And adding text is just that simple. You click inside of it and begin typing. Now at this point, I do want to point out that there is a big difference between adding text to a placeholder and adding text to a textbox. You also have the option to add text via a textbox. In fact, if we go to our Insert Tab and click on Text Box, we can draw any old textbox we want and add text to it. So here is a textbox, and here is a placeholder. So, what's the difference between these two, you might ask? Well, for one thing, a placeholder will move with a layout. So, if I were to, say, swap this layout for a different layout, let's say I want to change the layout to a Title and Content slide, because I placed my title in the title placeholder and then swapped the layout, wherever that title placeholder moves to, that's where that text will move to. But notice that my textbox didn't budge; it stayed in the same spot. That will go for pretty much anything. Any layout you choose, as long as you're choosing something that has a similar placeholder, a title placeholder, that title is going to move around with that layout. Texboxes stay put. Another feature of placeholders is that if you make any subtle adjustments or accidentally move the object around on the slide, you have the option to reset the slide to revert it back to the template settings. Textboxes, if you move those around and hit reset, it's not going to make a difference. So those are the main differences between placeholders and textboxes, and those are two key distinctions that you should be aware of when you're creating or designing your presentation, especially if you're designing it from scratch.

  8. Creating a Presentation from a Template - Creating a presentation from a template is very similar to creating a blank presentation. You can either open PowerPoint and return to the screen we were using before, or from an open presentation you can go to your File menu, choose New, and from the new screen, here are all of these featured templates. You can choose from one of these available presentation templates, or search online for templates and themes. Below this search bar you'll find a lot of suggested searches, for example, the keyword Presentations, or Business. In fact, let me just go ahead and choose the very general Presentations keyword, and here are a lot of various presentation templates available to download. And here I'm just going to select one of these. Selecting any one of these presentation templates will open a window and give you a description of that template, along with who is providing that template, and a few images of some of the slides available in that template. If you'd like to create a brand-new presentation based on this template, go ahead and click on the Create button and then we will download your template and open that brand-new presentation based upon that template here. And then this is your presentation to customize. You can go in, change any of the text, any of the slides you like, change around any layouts, or even open up any one of these Slide Masters and change any one of the layouts or designs that you like. It's totally up to you. Now, if, for example, your company has a template that you have already saved to your computer, or you'd like to create a new presentation based on that template, basically all you have to do is locate where that template is on your computer and open it up, or double-click on that icon, and PowerPoint will create a presentation based on that template rather than opening or editing that template. Or, if you've created a template on your computer, chances are you've saved it to the recommended location that PowerPoint, well, recommends you save templates to, which is your personal templates area. Here are two personal templates that I've saved to my OneDrive location, so whenever I'm signed into OneDrive, these templates follow me around wherever I go. Here's one that I've just created, and if I click Create, you can see what that one looks like. And that's really all there is to creating a new presentation from a template in PowerPoint 2016. It hasn't changed much over the years.

  9. Inserting Slides from an Outline - Many times when you are ready to begin creating a PowerPoint presentation, you already have the content for your presentation written out someplace else, like Microsoft Word, for example. If that is the case, PowerPoint has a brilliant feature allowing you to import slides from a Word outline. Take this Word document, for example. Let's say I want to bring in this information into my working presentation right here. Well, to do that, let me first close this Word document, and go back to my presentation, and from the Home tab in that Slides group, click on that New Slide drop button, and choose the option Slides from Outline. Clicking on that will open up an Insert Outline dialog box, and from there I can navigate to where that Word document is stored, select it, and click on Insert. Then PowerPoint will analyze that Word document and import the content like so. Now, here I should explain how PowerPoint analyzes a Word document and imports the content into PowerPoint. Now as you can see here on slide three, we have Weddings up top in the Title placeholder, and then some content below in the Content placeholder as bullet one. And then beneath that, we have one slide, the Prelude: Sets the ambiance as guests arrive and are seated, in a slide by itself in that title placeholder, and the rest of the slides are kind of one point in that title placeholder all by itself. Now, if we go back to our Word document and look at that, let me explain what's going on here. How PowerPoint interprets a Word document and determines where to place information depends entirely upon the styles you have applied to that document. How it determines what to place in a title placeholder, well, that depends on where you have that Heading 1 style set to. If you don't have any styles in your document whatsoever, it's going to take each paragraph of information or each bullet point of information and place that on, well, each slide all by itself. So, you really want to be using styles to format your Word document to arrange the content in PowerPoint. So, for example, if I want all of this information here to remain on one slide, I'm going to need to go back to Word and kind of reformat things a bit so it will import to PowerPoint correctly. So, first thing I need to do is to get rid of this bulleted list. PowerPoint doesn't really know what to do with that. So, rather than use these bullets, I'm going to remove that bullet list, and choose the option Heading 2. Likewise, I'm going to do that to the rest of this information. Select that bullet list, remove it, apply Heading 2. And now that I have my Word document formatted with Heading 1 and Heading 2 styles, makes it a very blue document. Now I can save it, close the Word document, and let me just hit this Undo button, and let's try this again. Back to our Home tab to the Slides group, click on that New Slide dropdown, and choose Slides from Outline. Just like before, select that Word document, click Insert, and there we go. Now PowerPoint has interpreted our Word document correctly, placing all of that information that we want grouped together on each individual slide. So inserting slides from a Word outline does take a little bit of tweaking, you will have to use those Heading 1 and Heading 2 styles to your advantage in order to group and place content in PowerPoint the way you like. Now, as for formatting goes, it doesn't entirely respect the PowerPoint template, it is trying to merge styles between Word and PowerPoint, so that's why we have the blue text here and Times New Roman as a font. But don't worry, it's really easy to reset slides in PowerPoint. Just go up to that Home tab and choose Reset, and that will revert all of the styles back to the PowerPoint template that you were using. But we'll talk a little bit more about formatting text in later clips. But that is how you can insert slides from a Word outline in PowerPoint 2016.

  10. Adjusting the Slide Size - The default slide size for most new presentations in PowerPoint 2016 uses a widescreen 16 x 9 aspect ratio, as opposed to the older, more square 4 x 3 aspect ratio. Now, a question I get from a lot of users is how many pixels is that? And most of the time, these people are asking a rather irrelevant question. You see, the vast majority of the time, PowerPoint is used to display on screens, and as such, PowerPoint is designed to scale automatically to that screen. So, the only time we'd have to worry about pixels in PowerPoint would be for print or when we export images, which I do all the time, by the way. But for the vast majority of users, aspect ratio is all we need to worry about, and it can still be a headache for some. The question you need to ask yourself is this, how do I plan to distribute this presentation? If you are doing a traditional live presentation using some relatively new equipment, widescreen, or this 16 x 9 aspect ratio, just might be the way to go. However, if you plan to distribute your presentation for mobile, a lot of mobile devices, including tablets, still display with a 4 x 3 aspect ratio. And if you want to avoid those black bars on an already small viewing device, then changing your slides' size might be in order. Now typically you want to do this before adding too much content. Granted, PowerPoint has improved how it scales and adjusts content over the years, but still try to figure out slide size before designing too much. So jumping back to this presentation here, on slide two I added a picture to the background, but other than that I haven't changed too much. Now, let's say I want to rethink this presentation and change the slide size to that 4 x 3 aspect ratio. To do that, I can go up to my Design tab and in that customize group where it says Slide Size, I can click on that button, and there's my option to swap it back to that standard 4 x 3 aspect ratio. Upon doing that, Microsoft PowerPoint will prompt me with this message box, You are scaling to a new slide size. Would you like to maximize the size of your content, or scale it down to ensure it will fit on the new slide? Now, this is kind of an interesting question, and it depends entirely upon how you want your presentation content to be viewed. Now, in my situation, I want to keep this picture to fill the entire frame of the background. And so I'm going to choose the option to Maximize. So, choosing that option, this is what PowerPoint does. Now, I've turned on my rulers on top so you can see where the slide ends, but all it's done is stretch this photo out beyond the slide boundaries. So in fullscreen view, you can kind of see what it does. Can't see all of it now, and now I've got those black bars on either side, because, you know, this is a widescreen view. But it is cutting off part of that picture, because that is outside the slide bounds. Now, everything else in this presentation has adjusted, all of my placeholders have gotten smaller, and the text has kind of scaled with that as well, even my title and content on that Title slide has adjusted as well. So that is a nice feature of adjusting your aspect ratio in PowerPoint. It will go through and make these minor adjustments for you. It's not going to be perfect, you will have to go through and make some minor tweaks here and there, but it's not going to stretch images or make things too ugly, at least without your permission. Now, in addition to choosing between the standard and widescreen formats, you do have options to choose custom slide sizes as well. In addition to the 4 x 3 and 16 x 9 aspect ratios, you also have a 16 x 10 aspect ratio as well. If you are designing for print, you have a variety of different paper options, slide options, overhead, banner sizes, you name it, it's here. You can even create your own custom width and height by typing it into this box here. Now, when you click inside this box or hover your mouse over it, it will tell you to enter a value from 1 to 56 inches. Now, we talked earlier about pixels. PowerPoint will allow you to type in pixels, if you type the suffix px after that number. So if I did want to create a specific pixel width and height, let's say I wanted to make it 1920 x 1080, I could type in those pixels here. Just select this, and type in that number 1920px, and then press Tab, and notice how it converts that to inches for me. And now type in a second number, 1080px, and then Enter, same box comes up asking me how I want to adjust that content. I'm going to choose Maximize, and there we go. There's my slide. Now to make sure that this works and it is that pixel perfect size, to test it out, I'm going to go to File and Save As, and I'm going to save this picture as a png file and just save it to my desktop. And I'm just going to save just this one slide, we only need one to test this out. So here is that slide. If I go to Properties, and go to Details, there it is, 1920 pixels by 1080 pixels. So it did work, typing in the pixel width and height did export that slide in the appropriate dimensions. And that is how you can adjust the slide size in PowerPoint 2016.

  11. Formatting the Background - In addition to adjusting your slide size, you can also customize your background, and right next to that Slide Size button on your Design tab from your ribbon, you'll find a Format Background button. Clicking on that Format Background button will launch your Format Background pane to the right side of your window, and in here you'll find a variety of options. By default, at least with this particular theme chosen, the Office theme, we will have the solid fill chosen, and that solid fill has this color chosen, which is that white color. Now we can change that color to any color we like, we can change it to a dark blue, a bright yellow, or a light gray, whatever we like, we can choose a gradient fill, and with gradient fills, we do have a variety of options down below. We can choose from several of our preset gradients based upon our theme colors. We can change the type of gradient, linear is chosen by default, but we can change that to radial, or rectangular, or path, or shade from the title. With certain types, like linear, sometimes you can change the direction of that gradient or even the angle. And scrolling down a little bit further, you'll find specific areas where you can adjust the gradients and their gradient stops. Now, all of the buttons down below apply specifically to whatever gradient you have chosen here. So, clicking on one of these gradient stops, you'll see the options below change or adjust depending on which gradient stop you have selected. So if I choose this one right here and change the color, you'll notice that that gradient will adjust on the slide, and I can adjust its transparency, or its position, or use the slider bar to adjust its position as well. Now, down below you'll also find two handy buttons, a Reset Background button, so if you don't like the changes that you've made, you can revert back and click that Reset button to undo all the changes that you've made and start from scratch once again based on whatever theme you have chosen, and of course, you can then apply that style to all of your styles if you did like it. So, let's explore some of our other options in the meantime. We also have the option to choose a picture or texture fill. Now, choosing picture fill we will get one of our default pictures. But we can easily change what picture we have selected as that background, and this is a terrible picture, so let's go ahead and choose insert picture from File. Now in my Exercise Files folder, I've got some background images here, and I'm going to select this JF-bg-dark background. And there you have it, there it is. And just like before, all of the options underneath will apply to that picture, you can change how that picture is tiled, whether it is offset from the left, right, top, or bottom, adjust its transparency, or even apply a texture. Now this time let me show you what that Apply to all button looks like or does. So, going down here, clicking Apply to all, and there you can see in my slides pane it has applied that design to all of my slides. Now I should point out that what that Apply to all button does is actually adjust your Slide Masters. In fact, if we go up to our view, Slide Master, you can see what it's done, it's applied that picture to the background of your slide here. And it's done that for all of your layouts. And it's really all that that button does. So, if you wanted to undo this change, that Reset Background button, that's not going to work here. Instead if you wanted to revert back to your original design, all you've got to do is just reapply that theme that you once had. Now one last option that I want to talk about is this pattern fill. Now, old school PowerPoint users probably remember this. It disappeared for awhile, but now it's back. This is pattern fill. You can choose one of two colors, a foreground color and a background color, and then choose a pattern to create on your slides. Now as you can see, this is quite busy for a background, but it is back by popular demand. When it disappeared, there were some people who were quite upset, so they brought it back. And those are some ways to customize your background in PowerPoint 2016.

  12. Changing Themes and Variants - Another way to change the look of your presentation, other than formatting the background, that is, is to change your design theme, or your theme's variant. Now, we talked about this very briefly when we talked about creating a presentation from a template, but if you already have a presentation created, many of those same templates that you saw earlier use themes that are available from your Design tab. Just go to your Design tab and in the themes group you'll see a gallery of those same themes provided by Microsoft. To use or change to any one of these themes, simply take your mouse and hover over any one of these themes, and a live preview of that theme will display on your slide. To apply the theme, simply click your mouse once, and that theme will be applied to your entire presentation. Now most themes will come with several variations or variants. Right next to the themes group, you'll see a variants gallery. And over here, here are the four main ones. You could hover your mouse over any of these to see a preview of what that looks like, and all you have to do is click to apply that variant. Opening up this gallery, you'll see even more options. If you'd like to customize the colors to something else, you can choose from any one of the Office built-in color palettes, or create your own custom colors. Clicking on Custom Colors down below will open a separate window where you can swap out any one of these individual colors, create a name for that new palette, and save it. Any saved palette will appear at the very top. Likewise, you can choose from any number of customized fonts, or of course, you can customize those fonts, creating a heading font and body font, or you can even choose from a variety of different effects. In addition to colors, fonts, and effects, you also have several background styles that you can choose from as well. So if you don't like the background that is chosen for your specific theme or variant, you can also adjust the background here. Clicking on Format Background from here will bring up that same Format Background dialog box that we were working with earlier. Now going back to themes, I'm going to scroll down and find this one right here, the Crop theme, and apply that to all my slides. Now if there is ever a moment where you want to pick and choose one theme on one slide and a different theme on another slide, you can do that. So, let's say on slide two I want a different theme for this one slide. Let's say I want this one. Well, rather than just clicking on this theme, I can right-click on this theme and you'll see a lot of other options. The first option, Apply to All Slides, is the option that's chosen when you simply click on that slide. But there are other options. There's Apply to Selected Slides, Delete, which will delete the theme, Set as Default Theme, now currently the Office theme is that default theme, or Add Gallery to the Quick Access Toolbar, the Quick Access Toolbar being this toolbar up here. But what we want to do is apply this theme to the selected slide. And as you can see, the rest of the slides still have that crop theme, but this slide has a completely different theme. And that is how you can change the theme or the theme's variant in PowerPoint 2016.

  13. Introduction to PowerPoint Designer - If you are one of the lucky PowerPoint 2016 Office 365 subscribers, you have access to one of the brand-new features called Designer. And in fact, on the Design tab, you might have noticed this feature off to the right in the Designer group, this little button called Design Ideas. If you do not see it and you are running PowerPoint 2016, chances are you are not using PowerPoint 2016 through that Office 365 subscription, or you have not checked for updates recently. Once again, you can check for updates right here. But do check your product version, make sure you are running Office 365 to use this feature. But what is really cool about Designer is that it will give you an instant slide makeover, depending on the content or the images you insert onto a slide, specifically your Title slide and your Title and Content slides. So here I have my Jealous Fork Entertainment slide selected, and if I go up to my Insert tab, and let me just insert a picture real quick. I'm going to go back here, and open up some Shutterstock images. Now, if you like, you can download these from Shutterstock yourself, just search for these images on Shutterstock using these number references, and I am going to use this picture right here. In fact, let me make this larger. Shutterstock image 315451922. So selecting that image, and clicking Insert, as soon as you insert a picture in PowerPoint 2016, the version from Office 365, Designer will automatically pop up to the right with Design Ideas suggestions. The very first suggestion is the slide that you have currently, and down below, you have various slide design options to choose from. To see what any of these look like full screen, simply select on them to apply them. And PowerPoint will do all of the work for you. It will stretch out that picture and make all of those little formatting adjustments and changes to give you that instant slide makeover, with just a click of a button. It really is fantastic. So there's one look. Here's yet another one. And we can scroll through. There's a lot more to choose from. You can see sometimes the text doesn't quite flow very well, but you can make minor adjustments after the fact very easily. And there we go, there's another look. So I think out of all of these, this one might be my favorite. And this won't just work with one picture. In fact, if I were to come back and insert yet another picture, let me go through and select, say, this one right here, notice it will refresh and show you additional options or additional layouts to choose from. Here's this one, which will show two pictures in that layout. Two pictures here. And scrolling through, a lot of different layouts. Now I should tell you that Designer right now only works with the Microsoft themes, so as long as you are using one of themes that come built in with PowerPoint, one of these themes, you can use Designer. Now, if you close Designer and decide that you ever want to get it back or change your layouts, just remember, go back to that Design tab, click on Design Ideas, and that pane will come back. Now I do want to issue a bit of a caution, and that is regarding the Reset button. Since Designer is customizing your actual slide, not your Slide template, or your Slide Master, if you come up here and click that Reset button, all of you text, all of your placeholders, will revert back to their original template position. So, do be careful with that. If that does happen, just go back to that Designer, find that layout suggestion that you had before, and reapply it. Now I should tell you that they are constantly updating Designer. Every month they are adding new features, new layouts, new looks, new intelligence to how Designer works. So, expect great things from this feature over the upcoming months. And that is your introduction to PowerPoint Designer.

  14. Creating Sections - Now this isn't a crazy amount of slides in this presentation, but if we plan on adding more, we might want to add some sections to our presentation to help keep our presentation organized. To add sections, simply select the slide in your slide pane where you want to begin adding that section. So, I'm going to select this first slide here, then in my slides group, click on that Section dropdown. From here, I can then click on Add Section. Now, by default, that's going to grab every single slide that is here and create a section around those slides. Now we're not going to worry about all of those slides in that section just yet, but for right now, it is an untitled section and contains nine slides. Now to rename this section, simply take your mouse, right-click right on top that section title, and you'll see a bunch of options for that section. The very first option is to rename that section. Clicking on that will open up the Rename Section dialog box, and I can just give this section any old name I like. So, titling that Introduction, I can click on Rename, and then that name will be reflected in that section title. Now what's great about this section, especially if I'm working with very long, complex presentations, is now I can collapse the section. So, clicking that little arrow right next to that section title will collapse it and allow me to view what comes after the section. In this case, nothing. To open it up again, just hover your mouse right over that arrow, click again, and it will expand that section. Now to add additional sections, simply take your mouse, and click on the slide where you want that new section to begin. So, skipping down to slide two, let's say I want this to be the start of another new section. Clicking that, this time let me right-click right on that slide, and midway through that shortcut menu, there's another option to Add Section. Clicking on that, there we go, it'll add another untitled section. And right-click again, Rename, I'm going to call this section Services Menu, and Rename. And one more time. Slide three, select that one, let's add another new section here, and let's re-title that Service Details. And that's really all there is to creating sections. Now what's great about these sections is that they appear in multiple locations. So if I switch over to my Slide Sorter View, here are those sections I created, and I can use that to collapse, and view, and move these sections around, it's really quite simple. So, there it is. That is how you can create sections in your PowerPoint presentation. It really is a fantastic tool for organizing really long, complex slideshows. Now my typical slideshow contains at least 100 slides for about, you know, a 15 minute presentation. I click through those slides really quickly. So yes, I use sections. They are a lifesaver for me.

  15. Hiding Slides - So at this point in the video, let's go back and look at what our final presentation is going to look like. So here it is, there's our slides, and here is what the slideshow will look like fullscreen when we run it. There's our first slide, ad when people click on the background, it will take them to the Our Services slide. And if they were to click again, it will take them right back to that first slide, rather than all of the other slides in the presentation. How do they do that? Well, we'll talk a little bit more in later clips about how to set up a slideshow to keep having the slideshow repeat over and over and over again, but to have it skip over slides in the presentation, that you do by hiding the slides from view. And that's what we're going to talk about now. So let's jump back to our working presentation. To hide a slide from view during Slideshow view, all you've got to do is select that slide, right-click right on top of that slide, and choose Hide Slide. That's all there is to it. And you can do this from multiple views. If we are in Slide Sorter View, for example, notice how it has that slash over that slide number, you can do it from here, just click right on top of that slide, right-click, and choose Hide Slide. And if you want to hide multiple slides all at once, let me zoom out of my presentation real quick, just click on one slide, hold down your Shift key, and click on your last slide. Then, right-click, Hide Slide, that will hide multiple slides all at once. And that is how you hide slides from view so that they will not show up during your presentation. Now why would you use that? Other than what I've shown you, well, if you've used a slide for notes, or if you want to remove it from the presentation itself, if there's some information you're not ready to show during the presentation, that's an option. Rather than creating a custom show, you can simply just hide the slide. Or if you've designed a slide that you want to print, but not display onscreen, that's another reason why you would hide a slide. There are many reasons, quite frankly, why anyone or any presenter would hide a slide in their presentation. Finding a reason, finding a use for this, well, that's up to you. But that is hiding slides in PowerPoint 2016.

  16. Reusing Slides - Chances are, if you are creating presentations for a company, you will need to create the same slide over and over again. Well, luckily for you, PowerPoint has this wonderful feature where you can reuse slides that you've created from other presentations. So, here I have a brand-new presentation, nothing in it, and let's say I want that company Title slide that I created in a previous presentation brought in to this one. Well, let me just delete this Title slide real quick, and bring in that Title slide from that other presentation. Let's go to New Slide, all the way down to this last option here, Reuse Slides. Choosing that option will open up a pane to the right-hand side of the window, and it will ask me where do I want to insert this slide from? Now here I'm going to browse a location on my computer or a network drive by choosing Browse File. And here I can locate where I have that file saved to, and I'm going to choose that Presentation7 that we were just working with, and that will give me kind of a bird's eye view of all of the slides within that presentation. Now before I go inserting slides, I want to show you a checkbox that is kind of hard to see at a quick glance. It is this Keep source formatting checkbox. If you want your presentation, or the slide that you're bringing into your presentation, to be formatted exactly as it was in its original PowerPoint file, you want this checkbox checked. And since we are starting from scratch here, and chances are if you are working for a company, you have a template that you will be using over and over again, you want to have that Keep source formatting checked. So, selecting that checkbox, clicking on this slide right here, let's bring that in, and there we have it. Now, just to show you what happens if you don't have that checkbox checked, let me uncheck that real quick, select after that, let's bring this in again without that option checked, click again, well, there it is. It brought it in, but the colors are completely different from that original file. It almost looks like it's trying to merge the two formats together. In fact, if you want to kind of analyze what's happening here, let's go up to our Slides group and to that Layout dropdown. Now, in the Layout dropdown, you can see we've brought in two different themes, we have that crop theme, that's what this presentation was using, and it's still using that theme for this slide, but it's merging colors together with this Office theme, which is what this presentation was using. So that's kind of what is happening here, it's trying to merge the two together and sort of doing so successfully. It didn't break the slide, the text isn't covering up the pictures or anything, and the colors aren't too far off from the original. But as you can see, it is not the same. But that is a quick overview of how you can reuse slides from other presentations in PowerPoint 2016.

  17. Working with Text, Tables, and Formatting Options - The Difference Between Text Boxes and Placeholders - In this next clip, I want to take a little bit more time and talk a little bit more about the difference between text boxes and placeholders, because it is that important. I know we touched on it a little bit in an earlier clip, but it's so important I want a full clip dedicated just to this topic just for you. So, up here we have a title placeholder on a layout that is the Title Only slide, and then over here, I've added a text box with some simple text. Now, the font and the font size are identical for these two elements. We have the placeholder and the text box formatted identically. Now I'm going to leave this slide as is, and I've just duplicated this slide here and here, so you can see what happens and what changes as we manipulate this slide using some various features within PowerPoint. So, first off, let's talk about slide reset. Now earlier I showed you how to reset a slide, and that will affect all of your placeholders. One of the beauties of a template is that it positions all of your placeholders for you. That's your placeholders, not your text boxes. So if they get moved around or rearranged or resized, hitting that Reset button will change and move everything back to where they were. It resets the position, size, and formatting of slide placeholders to their default settings. So when we click that button, anything that uses a placeholder, any text, any pictures, et cetera, will be reset. That will not affect text boxes, however. So if you've designed a slide that uses a combination of these things, hitting that Reset button will not affect your textboxes. That can be a good or bad thing. So I want you to be aware of that when using placeholders and text boxes when you are designing your slides. Now let's continue onto the next one. In addition to resetting a slide, another thing that can affect position of placeholders are themes. So let's jump over to your Design tab. Now, applying a theme, like one of these, notice how it's changing the look of the text that is inside the placeholder. But the text elsewhere inside that text box, it's not being formatted exactly the same way as the placeholder is, not always. In fact, let's select this one and see what's happening here. So, choosing this theme, the title placeholder is formatted to be white, but this text box is not. So the font has been changed to Century Gothic, but the size has remained the same, as opposed to this placeholder here. And that again probably has more to do with the fact that this is a title placeholder as opposed to a content placeholder, but text boxes are kind of their own island as is, and we'll talk about this a little bit more when we get to our clip on text boxes. But for right now, just know that if you're changing your theme around and some of your content doesn't look like the other, chances are, it's the difference between a placeholder and a text box. So, how do you know the difference between a placeholder and a text box? Well, that can be a little hard to tell, especially in PowerPoint 2016. It used to be that when you had these objects selected, they looked different, like when I have my insertion point inside one of these boxes, the border was styled a little bit differently than a text box, and now that's not the case. They look identical. The only way to really tell the difference between these two is by one of the behaviors I just talked about. So if you are receiving a slide deck or presentation that someone else has created, it can be difficult, at least at a glance, telling these two kinds of objects apart.

  18. Formatting Text - Formatting text in PowerPoint is remarkably similar to other Office programs, like Word. Basically, if you see text that you'd like to format, the first rule is if you want to affect it, you've got to select it. So, if I want to change the font or the font size of this text, JEALOUS FORK ENTERTAINMENT, the first thing I have to do is select it. Now, in PowerPoint where this gets a little different is there's two ways of selecting text. The first way is to take your insertion point and click and drag over the text. The next way is to select the surrounding object where that text is placed within. In this case, it's going to be that title placeholder. Either way will work for formatting that text. So in this case, I have the placeholder itself selected, and now I'm free to go up to my Home tab on my ribbon to the Front group, and all of the same commands that you'd see in other programs, like Microsoft Word, you'll see here. You can change the font, you can change the font size, bump that font size up or down using the Increase Font Size buttons or the Decrease Font Size buttons, or you even have the shortcut as you can see right there, Ctrl+Shift and then that little greater than or less than symbol. Another button here that is very handy is this Clear All Formatting button, which will remove all formatting from the selection, leaving only the normal, unformatted text. That is a very handy button if you have discovered or opened a presentation from someone else, or if you're copying and pasting slides or text or elements from other sources or other presentations, and you notice something funky is happening, and you're not sure what, try clearing the formatting. Chances are there's something there that's been carried over that you didn't expect. That's the first step, always, clear formatting. Nine times out of 10 that will fix your problems. And then, of course, you have your standard formatting options here, Bold, Italics, Underline, you have another one here for Text Shadow, the Strikethrough, you have one for letter spacing, there's Very Tight, Tight, Normal, Loose, Very Loose, and if you choose this last option here, More Spacing, that will open up the Font dialog box directly to the Character Spacing tab where you can customize your spacing options and your kerning options. And right here another one of my favorite options is this button right here, which will adjust the case. Just by selecting the placeholder or the text box, that's right, you can swap out the case, you can change it immediately to Sentence case, lowercase, UPPERCASE, you can choose this option, Capitalize Each Word, and for some reason, tOGGLE cASe. But I kind of like it in UPPERCASE, so I'm going to leave that as that. And finally, you can even change the font color. Up top you can choose from any one of your theme colors. One of these standard colors, which, quite frankly I would not recommend, I'd stick to the theme colors, more colors will open up the grand master window, where you can choose from any one of these standard colors, create your own custom color, enter in the RGB number code for your colors, or my favorite brand-new feature, this Eyedropper option. So if you are using a beautiful photo and want to pull a color from that photo, you can select that eyedropper tool, select a color from that photo, and that'll pull in that color. Isn't that gorgeous? Oh, yeah. But I think I'm going to leave it as black. And those are some of the basic formatting options for font. Your other formatting options will probably pertain to the object itself, the placeholder, or the text box. Now right now, this one, I have lighting appearing on a second line. Now I could go through and resize this placeholder to get everything to fit on two lines, but if I hit Undo, notice how the text doesn't quite go to the edges. That's because of the settings of how this placeholder is set. If I right-click right on the edge of this placeholder, and you can do this for any object, by the way, just right-click right on the edge of that object, and go to this option right here, Format Shape, that will bring up all of your grand master options for that specific object, and in this case, it's a shape. That's what it considers its placeholder anyway. Now, over to the right, and we'll talk about this in a little bit more detail in the next clip, but here you'll find more options for your text box. So rather than resizing this placeholder, what I can do is change the behavior of how text behaves inside that text box, so right now this placeholder is set to Do Not Autofit, but I can choose the option Shrink text on overflow or Resize shape to fit text. And as I'm typing text, that shape will automatically resize to fit that text. Now, if I just want to fix this little margin problem on the side, I can give my margins a little less space on the left and the right, just take off that 0.1, and it looks like that wasn't enough to fix the lighting, but what I can do, you see this option right here, Wrap text in shape, if I uncheck that, look what happens, now it flows outside the text box rather than forcing it down to the next line. So those are some other ways you can customize how your text appears or is formatted within an object on your slide.

  19. Working with Text Boxes - In the last clip, we got to see some of our text box options in regard to text inside of a placeholder. In this clip, we're going to be jumping over to slide two here and drawing our very own custom text boxes on this blank slide. To draw a text box, simply go up to your Insert tab, and in the Text group, you'll see an option for Text Box. Clicking on this button will allow you to draw out a text box anywhere on that slide you like. So clicking and dragging will create a little box, and then all you have to do is begin typing your text. When you are finished, you can click anywhere outside of that box, and that's your text box. Now if you ever need to move or reposition this text box, you can simply grab a hold one of the corners to resize the text box, or hover your mouse over one of the borders of the text box to move or reposition that text box. If you like to do things like quickly rotate a text box, hovering your mouse over this little circle at the very top of that text box and clicking and holding and dragging will allow you to rotate that from the center of that text box. And that's one way to create a simple text box in PowerPoint 2016. Another method, which is very handy if you already have content that exists someplace else, like a Word document, for example, is to simply copy and paste the content to your slide anywhere in the blank background. So, let's jump over to this Word document I have here, and I've included this in our exercise files for you to make it a little bit easier, let's say I want to include this text right here in its own text box on the slide. So what I can do from here is copy, so I'm going to hit Ctrl+C on my keyboard to copy, and then jump back over to PowerPoint, click anywhere in the background of the slide to deselect all objects on the slide, and then hit Ctrl+V to paste. And there's my text box that it's created. Now you'll see the options appear for how you would like to paste that text. There is Use Destination Theme, there is Keep Source Formatting, which will look at that original Word document and copy all that over, you can paste it as a picture, or choose the option Keep Text Only. Now these Paste Options can be confusing, especially the Keep Text Only option versus the Use Destination Theme option. The theme of your presentation, and we talked about themes in an earlier clip, but the theme of your presentation sets a broad set of fonts and colors and styles and sizes for your presentation content. That's separate from text boxes. Text boxes you can set as a default for your slide template. And I'll show you how to do that in a moment. But if you want to keep the formatting of text boxes in your presentation, you need to choose this last option, Keep Text Only. So if I want my text to match the other text box I've just drawn, this is the option I want, Keep Text Only. Now let me just move this text box over here and position it where I'd like it to go, and let's say I want to format this Weddings text box to look a little different. Maybe I want this text to be a little bit bigger, maybe size 20, or even a different color font. Maybe I want it to be bold. In fact, maybe I want all of my text boxes to looks this way by default. Well, if that's the case, as I mentioned earlier, you can create what is known as a default text box. To create a default text box, go ahead and format your text box with the text inside that text box any way you like, change the font, change the color, change all the spacing options you like, and then right-click on that border, and choose the option Set as Default Text Box. Now whenever we go to our Insert tab and click on Text Box and begin drawing, whatever we draw will contain all of those same formatting options that we just set as the defaults. And that's all there is to setting that default text box. As for other formatting options for text boxes, we mentioned this is an earlier video, but let's review it. If you want to access those advanced features for text boxes, simply right-click anywhere on the border of a text box, and go all the way down to Format Shape. Here in that Format Shape dialog box under Text Options, you'll see options for the Text Fill, Text Outline, fancier options for word art, like Shadow, Reflection, Glow, Soft Edges, et cetera, and your individual Text Box Options themselves, whether or not the text is vertically aligned, the text direction whether it's horizontal, rotated to 90 degrees or 270 degrees or stacked. You can also adjust the Autofit properties, whether or not you want the shape to not autofit, or resize shape to fit text, or if you want the text to shrink on overflow, so if you've drawn a text box and want that text box to stay there and not move at all, that might be a great option for you. But most of the time for text boxes, this is the option that people want, the Resize shape to fit text. And then finally, as we discussed in an earlier clip, here are all of your margin options and wrapping options. But there's one more option that's an interesting one, and that's the option to create columns inside of a text box. Clicking on this Columns button, you can create multiple columns inside of a text box and adjust their spacing between those columns. So there really are a lot of options that you can configure for any text box in PowerPoint 2016. And once again, to access all of these advanced features, simply right-click on that shape, go all the way down to Format Shape, and jump over to Text Options. And that is how you work with text boxes in PowerPoint 2016.

  20. Working with Bullet Points - When we imported these service detail slides from Word, PowerPoint placed all the Heading 2 content from Word inside bulleted placeholders. Now, not every slide imported perfectly here, like this one. In fact, if we scroll down to slide seven, this slide is just a disaster. In this clip, we're going to be working with bullet points and getting this information to appear a little bit better inside of these placeholders. So, starting from slide seven, we actually have some information here that we do not want to have appear inside of this bulleted list. Now, the easiest way to add or remove a bullet point from a bulleted list or a paragraph is to go up to your Home tab, and in that Paragraph group click on that bulleted button or that Bullets button. Clicking on that will add or remove a bullet point, and adding and removing bullet points is as simple as that. You click to add, you click to remove, it's kind of like a toggle switch. Now, right next to this button, we can kind of see that there's a drop arrow right next to it. If you want to see more options for creating or customizing your bullets, click on that arrow, and here you are. Here's a whole bunch of bulleted options. You can create in addition to the little round circles Hollow Round Bullets, the Square Bullets, Hollow Square Bullets, Star Bullets, Arrow Bullets, and little Checkmark Bullets. Now most of the time, you will want to stick with whatever bullet marks or bullet points you have set by default with your template. So this one uses this larger custom bullet point right here. If you'd like to customize or create your own custom bullets, the best way to do that is to first select your bulleted list, go up to this dropdown arrow, and choose Bullets and Numbering. That'll bring up the Bullets and Numbering dialog box that is actually quite similar to what you would find in Microsoft Word. From here you can adjust the size of the bullet point, and this is a percentage based on the size of the text. So, 100% of text, that's going to be whatever the size point-wise that the text is, or you can make the bullet points smaller or even larger than that text. In addition to adjusting the size of the bullet point, you can also adjust the color. Now I would suggest sticking to your theme colors for bullet points, because you do want your theme and your bullet points to update with those theme colors if you ever choose to change those theme colors in the future. So right now I'm just going to choose this Gold Accent 2 from my theme, and to show you what that looks like, let's go ahead and click OK, and you can see that that bulleted list has updated. In fact, let me zoom in on the slide so you can see exactly what I'm talking about. So, there are the bullet points. Now, if we jump over to another slide, say, the previous slide, you can see that that did not update the bullets on the other slides, only the bullets on this slide. In fact, if you want to make changes to all bullet points across your entire presentation, your best bet is not to do it from the Slides view. To make changes to your theme or your template, you want to do that from your Slide Master View. So let's jump over to this View tab and jump into our Slide Master View. When you are in your Slide Master View, it's really important you want to select this top slide in the slides pane, your Slide Master, not one of the subsequent layouts, like the Title and Content layout. That way whatever changes you make to the Slide Master, that will be reflected in the subsequent layouts beneath it. So, when we make changes to bullet points on this one, then we'll be making changes to bullet points that appear on every single subsequent layout beneath it. So, with this selected, now we can go to our slide and select what level we want to adjust. So let's select our first line of bullets, then from the Home tab in that paragraph group, click on that drop arrow next to that bulleted list again, and go all the way down to Bullets and Numbering one more time. And now we can make changes to our bullet point. So this time I'm going to leave the size as 100% of text and change the color to yellow. Now do note if you want a special custom picture or to customize that bullet point to a specific font, maybe different from the font you have chosen, you can choose this Customize option and choose from any number of geometric shape here, or from any normal or Latin text font here. So, those are some other options as well. So with this bullet point selected, let's go ahead and click OK, and now I've customized this one bullet point for this one level. Now I could go through and customize the rest of the them, but I think I'm going to leave this one at that for now, go back to my Slide Master tab, and close my Slide Master View. And now when I go to my other layouts, you can see that those changes have been reflected in the other slides, and that's how you can customize PowerPoint bullets across a presentation.

  21. Formatting Lines and Paragraphs - And we're back to the slide seven. Now, I've made a few tweaks to this slide. I've taken out this first couple lines and put that in a text box all by itself, but we still don't have quite enough vertical space I should say for all of these bullet points to fit neatly. We're running out of room, and the text is shrinking as a result. And now whenever that happens, PowerPoint will alert you by showing this AutoFit Options button. Clicking on that will show several options for what to do. Right now it is set to AutoFit Text to Placeholder, that's what's causing that text and those bullet points to shrink. We could choose the option to change how this placeholder behaves and tell it to stop fitting text to this placeholder, but then the text will just overflow beyond the placeholder, and it might not all fit on the slide. We could also choose the option to split the text up between two slides. This is a very, very handy button. Rather than cutting and pasting it onto a new slide yourself, this button will do that for you. Or you can have it continue onto a new slide, or you also have an option here right from this window to adjust one of your paragraph options, which we're going to be talking about specifically in this clip, and that is to change to two columns. That's one way to adjust your paragraph options. Autocorrect gives you a lot of options for fixing the flow of text between placeholders, slides, and paragraph options, but if you want to try to tweak it yourself, there's a lot of options for you to play with up here on the Home tab in this Paragraph group. Now we've already explored some of our bulleted options. If you want to manually adjust the number of columns yourself, let's say instead of two you want three columns, there is a button right on the Home tab for adjusting the number of columns within a text box or placeholder. So first let's go ahead and select our bulleted list, go up to our Paragraph group, and this icon right here, that will Add or Remove Columns. Choosing that option you can choose between one, two, or three columns. So, let's click on three columns, and it looks like our text only has enough room for two. Now, something that is hidden by default in PowerPoint 2016 is your ruler, a fact that I'm not too happy about. But if you want to see your ruler and see where this spacing is right from that ruler, let's go to our View tab and click on Ruler. And here you can kind of see spatially what is happening with each of these columns. You have your first line indent, your hanging indent, tab stops, and so on. But since we don't have that much text, let's go ahead and select that list again, and change this down to two columns, and that gives us a little bit more space in between those two columns. But if you are wanting to adjust the space between columns, probably the best way is to hit that button and click on this More Columns option, and that will bring up your Columns window where you can manually adjust the number of columns that appear within a placeholder or text box, and the spacing that appears between them. Now right now it is set to 0, but if we wanted to add a little bit of a bumper or buffer in between those two columns, we could add that here. So, let me adjust the spacing to 0.5, and there you go. You can see it added a little bit more space in between those two columns there, moving this column over ever so slightly. In addition to adding columns or removing columns, another thing that you can adjust in regards to your paragraph is your line spacing. Let's select all of these bullet points again going back to our paragraph group, there's another button up here for line spacing. Clicking on that you have a variety of built-in options, there's 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and so on. Clicking on your Line Spacing Options button at the very bottom of this window will open up your Paragraph window, complete with all of your indents and spacing options within PowerPoint. From this window, you can change things like your general alignment, your indentation that appears before text, hanging indents, your first line and hanging, that is, your spacing that appears before a paragraph and after a paragraph, and your individual line spacing. You can choose between single, 1.5, double, exactly, and then choose a particular point, or what we had before, which was multiple. Now for the purposes of this video, I'm going to change this to Single, and click OK, and you can see what that did, it spaced it out just a little bit more within these two columns. So that is yet another option that you can play with within your Paragraph group. Additional options that you have, let me select these bullet points again, you can also adjust things like the Text Direction, your text alignment within a placeholder or a text box, by default this one is set to Top, but we could change it to Middle or to Bottom. Clicking on more options at the very bottom, that will bring up your Format Shape dialog box, the very one that we were working with earlier, and take you right to that Text Options area. It's just another way to get to those expert options. And then finally, our last option in this Paragraph group is an interesting one, it's the ability to convert text to a SmartArt shape. Now, this feature we'll be talking about a little bit more in our SmartArt clip later. But for right now, just know that you can convert any list to a SmartArt shape easily right from this Paragraph group. And those are some ways that you can quickly adjust your line and paragraph options in PowerPoint 2016.

  22. Adding a Header and Footer - In addition to adding text boxes to your presentation for additional information, you can add special information about the slides themselves in a slide header or footer, such as the date of the presentation, the company or brand, or even the slide number. The look of headers and footers and whether or not the information can be applied to a given slide is set in the Slide Masters. However, whether or not you choose to ultimately add this information to your presentation is up to you. To add a header, footer, or slide number, navigate to the Insert tab on your ribbon. Then, click on the Header and Footer button inside the Text group. From there, a Header and Footer window will appear where you can add a date and time, and choose whether or not to update that date automatically, or set a specific date, one that won't change. You can also choose whether or not to include a slide number and create a custom footer. At the very bottom of the window, you can specify if you'd like this information to be hidden from the title slide, and finally you can choose to apply these changes to all slides by clicking the Apply to All button, or choose to apply to just the selected slide by clicking on Apply. And that is how you can add headers and footers to slides in PowerPoint 2016.

  23. Inserting and Formatting Tables - Just like Microsoft Word, there are several ways to add tables to a PowerPoint slide, and many ways to format them. To create a table, useful for displaying tabular data or schedules, or what have you, navigate to your Insert tab, and in the Tables group, click on the Table button to display all your table creation methods. The first method is to hover your mouse over this grid here, which will automatically draw and give you a preview of your table as you move your mouse around the grid. Now, if the table you want exceeds what this grid can give you, or if you just don't prefer this grid to design your table, you can select this option, Insert Table, to open the Inset Table window and type in the number of columns and rows you'd like. Then, click OK to insert that table at the top of your slide. And the last method we're going to discuss in this clip is the Draw Table method, which to be honest, is my least favorite. It's not very precise, and it is quite cumbersome to navigate the controls. I've never met anyone that prefers drawing a table over the other methods, but it's still here as an option. As for formatting, as soon as you insert a table onto a PowerPoint slide, the table tools contextual tab will appear on your ribbon. From the Design tab, you will find a variety of options to customize the style, borders, and shading of your table. You can add elements like a Header Row, turn on or off Banded Rows or Columns, or in the table styles gallery, select one of the built-in styles. You can customize a cell or group of cells by selecting them and then applying additional formatting options, like shading, borders, or even apply a special effect. And that is how you can create simple tables in PowerPoint 2016.

  24. Inserting Excel Tables - In the previous clip, we talked briefly about how to insert tables, but what if your information or data lives inside Microsoft Excel? Well, lucky for you, PowerPoint gives you many ways to get that all-important Excel data onto a PowerPoint slide. Well, let's jump over to this Excel worksheet, or spreadsheet. And here I've got some data inside this table, and by far the simplest way to get this information into PowerPoint, and people laugh when I tell them the answer, is to simply copy and paste it. Seriously. Just select that range of data, hit Ctrl+C, jump back over to PowerPoint, and hit Ctrl+V to paste. By default, PowerPoint will paste the data as a PowerPoint table that you can format just like I showed you in the previous clip, but that's not all you can do. Notice that we have that Paste Options button in the lower right-hand corner. You can click on this button or hit your Ctrl key to open up your options, and you can paste it by keeping the source formatting, you can choose to embed the Excel file, that's right, so if you want to keep all those calculated formulas, whatever you had in that original Excel file, and embed that Excel spreadsheet onto that PowerPoint slide, that's the option you should choose. You can paste it as a picture. So if you don't want anybody changing this data at all and just have it be a picture, that's an option for you. Or if you just want to copy the data and place it inside of just a simple text box, you can opt to Keep Text Only. So whatever the options, they are here for you. Just copy and paste it right from Excel, and paste it into PowerPoint.

  25. Working with Pictures, Shapes, Objects, Charts, and SmartArt - Inserting a Picture - In this clip, we're going to be adding more pictures to our presentation, and in PowerPoint there are several ways to add pictures. To add pictures, first navigate to your Insert tab, and in the Images group, you'll see all those options. The first option is to click on the Pictures tab, and that will allow you to insert pictures from your computer or from other computers that you're connected to, be it a network drive, or a cloud drive, like OneDrive. So, clicking on that, I can navigate to where my pictures are stored, select the picture, and click on the Insert button to insert that picture into the presentation. And that's one way to insert a picture. Another way, let's return to the Insert tab, is to insert a picture from online. Clicking on the Online Pictures button will open up a window and allow you to search the web or connect to your personal OneDrive folder and browse photos that you have stored there. You could also insert from Facebook or from additional applications that you have connected to your account. But let's just run a quick Bing search using a key word or key words. The results that will display are tagged Creative Commons, which are free to use in your presentation. You could also drill down and search for specific size photos, types of photos, and even colors of photos. So, if I want small photo or a large photo or high quality photo, I can specify a larger photo in this dropdown menu. I can also search for a specific kind of photo, like a photograph, clipart, line drawing, animated GIF, or transparent. I'm going to choose photograph. Or I could even specify a particular color. So if I want to limit my search to color only, I can choose that from this menu. And once you've found a photograph that you like, you can select that photo and press Insert to insert that photo into your presentation. You can also create a screenshot of any open window that's open on your desktop. So, let's say I open a web browser, just to have a window open, go back to PowerPoint, and click on the Screenshot button. I can take a screen clipping of this Google Chrome window, or I can choose the screen clipping option to get that little crosshairs thing to choose something specific and click and drag and take that as my screenshot. And those are several different ways to add images or pictures to slides in PowerPoint.

  26. Cropping a Picture - As soon as you insert a picture into PowerPoint, you should see the Picture Tools Format tab up here on your ribbon. So with that picture selected, jump over to the Picture Tools Format tab and in the Size group you'll see a cropping button. That is the button that you'd use to crop unwanted areas of your picture. To crop your picture, simply click directly on top of that button, and that will create these little cropping areas or little handlebars at the corners and sides of your photo. To crop the photo manually, simply hover your mouse over one of these handlebars and drag in. PowerPoint will then gray out the cropped area and then display the area that remains. You could also grab hold of the sides to move it out or in. To have PowerPoint crop the picture to the dimension, simply take your mouse and click on that Crop button again, or click anywhere outside of that photo. You have additional cropping options in that little Crop menu. So if you take your mouse and click on that Crop arrow beneath that Crop button, you'll have additional cropping options. You can crop to a specific shape, or even aspect ratio, so if you want to make a perfect square, you could choose the option 1:1, or you can choose a specific portrait size, 2:3, 3:4, or landscape. But let's choose the option square, and then if we want to adjust where in that frame that picture appears, we can simply move that photograph within that frame to center it. And that's cropping by aspect ratio. So let's crop by shape one more time, hover our mouse right over crop by shape, and let's now choose that circle, that oval object. Now since we've cropped it by square and we choose oval, that's how we get that perfect circle. Now you have a couple more options in this cropping menu. There's the option to fill, which will resize the picture so that the entire picture area is filled. Now, this is a handy option if you are using one of the slide placeholders to insert a picture, and the picture doesn't quite fill that frame, that'll make sure it does fill the frame. Or if you want instead the photo to fit inside the dimensions and you don't care if there's extra space around it, you can have it fit inside that frame. And that's what those two options mean. Very, very handy if you're working inside placeholders. But if you're just adding the photo onto the slide like I am, you probably won't need those options. And that is cropping a picture in PowerPoint 2016.

  27. Formatting a Picture - So now that I've inserted my pictures and cropped them, now I'm ready to continue formatting them for this presentation. As you can see here, none of my pictures are quite the same size or lined up or evenly spaced. So, that is the first thing I want to adjust. So, selecting all my photos by clicking and dragging my mouse around all the pictures, I can lasso to select all those objects all at once. Then, from the Picture Tools Format tab in the Size group I can type in the dimensions I want for these pictures. Let's make these pictures 2 x 2 inches. Now that I have the images sized the way I want, it's time to align them. In the Arrange group on my Picture Tools Format tab, there are many ways to align these objects, but two reference points by which to align them by, align to slide, or align by selected objects. Now I want to make sure I have Align Selected Objects checked. Next I am going to select Align Bottom, which will align all the pictures according to the bottom most picture, and then I want to distribute these pictures horizontally to make them evenly spaced. It's okay that these pictures extend past the slide, as in a later clip we will be animating these pictures to scroll across the slide like a photo gallery. After I've resized and aligned the pictures, now it's time to touch up the pictures. In the Adjust group, I can sharpen or soften a photo, adjust the brightness or contrast of a photo, apply a color wash to the photo, making the photo match one of my many theme colors, or even apply a black and white, grayscale, or sepia wash. There are also a number of artistic effects you can apply to a photo. To view more granular photo options, just click on the Effect Options button located in any one of these effect galleries to launch the Format Picture pane. And that is how you can format a picture in PowerPoint 2016.

  28. Adding and Editing Shapes - Shapes are another great way to add visual interest to your slides. You can use shapes for a variety of purposes, be it for decoration or to create flowcharts and diagrams. In this clip, we will be using shapes to create a background for our sliding photo gallery, as well as buttons for navigation. To insert or draw a shape, navigate to your Insert tab on you ribbon. From there, in the illustrations group, you should see a button labeled Shapes. Clicking on that button will open a Shapes gallery. The very top of the gallery will display all of your recently used shapes. Beneath that, a collection of lines, which will double as connectors. Then, we have a variety of rectangles, basic shapes, including our text boxes, and yes, PowerPoint considers that a shape, followed by Block Arrows, Equation Shapes, Flowchart Shapes, whereupon hovering your mouse over any one of these shapes you'll see a tag describing what that shape represents, be it a process or decision or what have you. And then, towards the very bottom, you'll find Stars and Banners, Callouts and Action Buttons, whereupon clicking those Action Buttons will perform some kind of action. That we'll be covering in a later clip, by the way. Now to draw a shape, simply click on the kind of shape that you'd like to draw. Now I'm going to select this basic rectangle shape here. That will turn my cursor into a drawing cursor where I can click and drag my mouse to trace where I want my shape to appear. Then, PowerPoint will create that shape and format it according to the default shape settings in this template. Once I've drawn my shape, the Drawing Tools Format contextual tab will appear on the ribbon. From here, I can then format my shape as I like. And I don't think I like this yellow, not for a picture gallery anyway. So, I'm going to change the shape fill to a dark gray. I'm also going to remove the shape outline, and I think I'm going to send the shape to the background so that I can see all my pictures. And there we go. Now, let's draw a few more shapes. This time, let's draw a block arrow. So, from our Drawing Tools Format tab in the Shapes group, I'm going to select this block arrow here by clicking on it, and draw it right here. Now, see how this shape has two yellow dots at the top inside of the arrow, those dots mean I can adjust the dimensions of the arrow. If I click and drag on those points, I can reshape this shape. So, let me now resize this arrow by dragging on the corners of the object. And I'm going to move this arrow to right over here. Now, in a later clip, we are going to add an animation trigger to this arrow, so that when people click on the arrow, it will slide the gallery to the left. Now I do want another one of these arrows on the other side of the gallery, so selecting this arrow and holding down my Ctrl key and dragging it, I can duplicate this arrow over here. Now this arrow is facing in the wrong direction, but if I go up to my Arrange group and click on Rotate and flip Horizontal, there, now I have the arrow facing the opposite direction. Now, we have one more kind of shape to create, and those shapes will be our oval buttons to take our viewers to our hidden slides. So for that, I'm going to choose this rounded rectangle shape. But since I want to draw a lot of these shapes, I'm going to right-click right on the shape and choose the option Lock Drawing Mode. Then, I can come down here and draw the shape once, twice, again and again, over and over, until I am satisfied. When I am finished, I can turn off Drawing Mode. All I have to do is go up to the shape and one more time click on that drawing button to disable drawing mode. And now I can resize the shapes by selecting all of the shapes at once, and go up here and type in the dimensions I'd like them to be, let's say 0.5 inches high by 2 inches wide. And now let's round the corners of these shapes a bit more, just grab hold of that little yellow dot in the upper left-hand corner, and drag in. And that is how to add and edit shapes in PowerPoint 2016.

  29. Grouping Objects - Now, in a later clip, we're going to be animating this photo gallery all together. So to make that process simpler, what we can do is group all of these little objects together, the shape, all of the pictures, and all of the text boxes. That way when we apply the animation, we're applying the animation to the group rather than the individual objects. To group objects in PowerPoint, first you have to select all of those objects. Now there are several ways to select objects in PowerPoint. First, you can click on an individual object, hold down your Shift key, and then select additional objects. You can also hold down your Ctrl key to select non-consecutive objects, or you can use that lasso technique that I've been using so far, if your groups are in close proximity with each other. In fact, that's what I'm going to do right now. So taking my mouse and dragging around this little gallery right here, it selected all of those objects in that range. Now there are two objects here that were selected that I don't want selected, they won't be scrolling with the gallery, and that's those two arrows. To deselect anything that is within a selection range, hold down your Ctrl key and click on that item that you want to deselect within that selected range. And now that we have all of our objects that we want to group together selected, now we can right-click right on one of those selected items and go down to Group, or we can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+G. Either way, we'll group those items together in one big group. Now since we're talking about making things a little bit easier on ourselves in terms of grouping, we might as well talk about naming things to make it a little bit easier to reference in things like the animation pane. From the Home tab in the Drawing Group in the Arrange dropdown all the way at the bottom there's something called the Selection Pane. Let's go ahead and open that up. Now from here, you'll see that grouped object that we just created and everything that's grouped within that object. In fact, that little eyeball icon right next to it, if we click on that eyeball, that will hide or show that grouped object. Now, if we want to give a more specific name to this grouping, so it'll be easier to reference in, say, the animation pane later, what we can do is click once, click twice, and that will make that group, or I should say the label for that group, editable. So rather than this arbitrary Group 38, I'm going to rename this photo gallery. And with that typed in, just press Enter to save that name. You can also name the objects within a grouping. Just select them from this pane, in fact, I'm just going to zoom out real quick so you can see everything, and when I hide this picture, you can see it's the picture of the LED dance floor, so I'm going to go ahead and select that, and call this LED Dance Pic, and Enter to save, and now I'm going to go through and name the rest of my objects. And there we go. Now I have everything named something a little bit more meaningful inside my photo gallery. So just at a glance, I can tell exactly what each thing is inside this group. Now, if at any time you ever change your mind and want to ungroup a grouped object, simply select that grouped object and then with your mouse, right-click right on top of that object, go down to Group, and then choose the option Ungroup. And as you can see from that selection pane, all of those individual items have been ungrouped. If you'd ever like to regroup a grouped item, once again just take your mouse, right-click right on those selected objects, go down to Group again, and this time you can simply select the option Regroup to get that group back. Now, unfortunately, it will not remember the group name you gave it, so you will have to rename it once you've ungrouped it and regrouped it. And that is how you can group objects in PowerPoint 2016.

  30. Merging Shapes - For the next few clips, we're going to be taking a bit of a pause from this presentation to talk about some additional visual elements in PowerPoint that we won't necessarily be using for this specific presentation. So let's jump over to this file that I have right here. And all I have is a square and a star that I've created, and we're going to be talking here about another special feature regarding shapes called the Merge Shapes Feature. Now in previous version of PowerPoint, this feature did exist under a different name, and it wasn't in the ribbon, it was hidden kind of in the backstage view. But it was so popular Microsoft brought it right onto the ribbon and called it Merge Shapes, and how this works is first off, let me drag this star right over this object here and select both of these objects, the square first, then the star. When you have more than one object selected, you can merge these shapes together in a variety of different ways. And with these objects selected, if you go to Merge Shapes, you can join these two shapes together, which means it will combine them into one shape or join them. Now if you've got two shapes right on top of the other, it will just take the outermost shape and kind of blend them together, so what we're left with here in this case is just the square, because that's the outermost shape. If we choose the option Combine, any portion of the shape that was overlapping will be kind of cut out or removed from the overlapping shape. So think of it kind of like a Venn diagram, where the overlapping portions, what those two shapes have in common, that portion will be removed. Now, Fragment is an interesting option. In fact, if I choose this option, you get to keep both shapes. However, where the overlap occurs with these shapes, it will cut out the shape, but retain the original shape. So it's kind of an interesting option to have as well. It will allow you to cut from one object to another, but keep the original shape. So think of fragment kind of like a cookie cutter. Now, we also have an option right here called Intersect. Now this is the opposite of the Combine feature. The Combine feature removed the overlapping portion. This one will keep only the overlapping portion. Now since I had one shape overlapping or inside of another shape, it's not going to really keep anything. And then we also have the option to subtract. Very similar to fragment in that it will cut one shape out of another, only the difference here is that that shape that's being cut out, it will kind of forget about that little star and just leave the outline of that star inside that box. Now, for some of these options like subtract, what object you select first will make a difference. So if I were select the start first, then the square, and then choose subtract, then it's not going to really show anything. So, the order in which you select your objects does matter for these Merge Shapes options. Now, Merge Shapes in 2016 has gotten a bit of an improvement. In addition to combining and merging shapes, you can also combine and merge text with shapes. So if I were to create a text box and, let's say, write my name, and let me make this text bigger so you can see it, and now let me draw a rectangle shape here, and now I'm just going to place this text on top of this rectangle so you can see it, and I'm going to select these two objects. Now, and this is again kind of a new feature, we can use the Merge Shapes option to combine, fragment, subtract, intersect, or what have you, both text and shapes. So now instead of a text box, I now have a shape of my name. And as far as PowerPoint is concerned, this is a drawn object and I can format it as such. So if you are using a specialized font, one that not everyone in your company has, and you don't want to embed the fonts within that presentation, but still want to be able to retain that font, this is a great option to use. Of course, converting fonts to shapes, that means whoever you share that presentation with, they will not be able to edit that text, but it will make sure that that text will look exactly as you want for whatever presentation and however you share it and whatever machine you're on. It also means that you can edit points for this text like any old shape. So if I were to right-click right on this text and go to Edit Points, I can edit the points of this text just like any old shape. Now, this is obviously an advanced feature, but if I want to really make this look fancy and create my own custom font, which would take a really long time, by the way, I can edit each individual character just by editing those points of the character. And those are just some of the things that you can do with merging shapes in PowerPoint 2016.

  31. Inking - Another feature that has undergone some serious enhancements in PowerPoint 2016 is PowerPoint and the rest of Office's inking feature. Now, this is a little bit more useful if you are working from a tablet or some kind of mobile device, but even if you are working from a desktop like I am, and make use of a drawing tablet like I have, inking can be very useful if you want to handwrite anything or even draw a shape by hand. Now the first thing that we're going to do is go up to this Tell Me box and look for the inking feature, which is not in the ribbon by default. So, we're going to type in the keyword inking, and from there you'll see a variety of ink options. Let's open up Ink Annotations. Clicking on that will open up the Ink Tools Pens tab. Now if this is a tab that you feel that you might be using often, if you do have a drawing tab or a tablet and would like to add this to your Quick Access Toolbar, you can right-click right on that tab and choose the option Customize Quick Access Toolbar. From the PowerPoint Options window, we can search for the inking tools from the All Commands window. Inside this area, we can begin typing inking, and once we find those ink options, select that from this window and click Add to add that to our Quick Access Toolbar. From there, all we've got to do is click OK, and now we'll have our inking options available from our Quick Access Toolbar. That way if we ever want to get that tab back, we can click right on that, click Start Inking, and then that Ink Tools Pens tab will appear on our ribbon. And now I'm going to switch over to my tablet. So with my pen in hand, I can choose from a variety of different pen colors by tapping on one of these pen thicknesses and colors here. I can also choose from one of the colors from the dropdown menu here, or adjust the thickness by choosing a specific point. And then I can begin writing just as I would with pen and paper. And I have terrible handwriting, by the way. Now if at any time you would like to erase anything that you've drawn, you can go up here to the Eraser tool, click on that, and then just drag over anything that you've drawn. And that will erase it line by line, point by point. Now, I do want to show you another feature here that I find incredibly cool, and if you are working on a tablet and do want to create shapes, this is the one that I find really cool. This is the Convert to Shapes button. And with your pen or with your finger, you can use this to convert anything that you draw automatically to a PowerPoint shape. So I want to tap on that, and now all I have to do is hand draw a circle, and it doesn't have to be a perfect circle when I draw it, but when I release my mouse, it will make it a perfect oval. And I can try it again, and there it goes. It'll work with triangles, and rectangles, or squares, pretty much any basic shape, except stars. Once you no longer want to convert things that you draw to shapes, simply tap on that button again, and then you can resume writing like you normally would. Other things that you have, you also have a Highlighter tool where you can choose, just like you did with Pen tools, a specific color to highlight on the screen, and that gives a semi-transparent rectangle that you can use to highlight text or objects. You can also grab a Lasso Select and use that to select multiple objects on your screen. And now I'm going to press my Delete key to delete that one star. And tapping on this Select Objects button, that will allow you to tap on any one of these objects to select them or to tap and then tap and hold to move those objects around the screen. And those are your new and improved inking tools in PowerPoint 2016.

  32. Creating and Formatting Charts - Creating charts in PowerPoint 2016 is remarkably similar to Excel 2016. If you want to create a chart in PowerPoint from scratch, simply go up to your Insert tab, and in the Illustrations group click on the Chart icon. From there you'll see all of the different chart options that you can create. Now, if you have an Office 365 subscription, you will see a few new chart types, and as the months go by, you'll continue to see new chart types added to this window, well, every month. New recently, we have Histogram, Box and Whisker, Waterfall, and the promise of more to come. Simply select the kind of chart that you want to create and choose its subtype by choosing one of the options up top. So, by default we have this Clustered Column chart selected. You could hover your mouse over that little thumbnail to view a larger view of what that kind of chart looks like. I want to choose Stacked Column, though, and then click OK. PowerPoint will then create your chart on your PowerPoint slide and then open up a small Excel spreadsheet within PowerPoint with some sample data that you can then edit to customize the data in that PowerPoint chart. So, clicking on that Series 1, entering your Series 1 information, and then start typing out the numbers below. Now, chances are, for most people anyway, you won't really be creating your data from scratch in PowerPoint. Chances are your data already lives someplace else, more than likely in Excel spreadsheet. So creating that chart from scratch in PowerPoint is adding a few extra steps and asking you to retype information that you already have typed in an Excel spreadsheet. So rather than typing things twice and risking making a typo, instead how about simply copying and pasting that chart directly into PowerPoint. So, let me select this chart and press delete, and that's what we're going to do, we're going to copy and paste that chart from Excel right into PowerPoint. So here in Excel, we have this range of data right here created as this chart. And that's the chart that we want to put in place in our PowerPoint slide. So what I'm going to do is select this chart and make sure I have those little selection points around that chart, right-click right on top of that chart, and choose the option Copy. Next I want to jump back to my PowerPoint presentation and right-click anywhere on the background of that slide. And now we're going to see a lot of different options for pasting that specific Excel chart. The first option is to use the destination theme and embed the workbook. Now what that is going to do is respect the PowerPoint theme, whatever theme I have designated in this PowerPoint presentation, which is the Office theme, and take that workbook, that Excel workbook with all of the original data, and make a copy of it and embed it right into this PowerPoint presentation. So, wherever I share, wherever I send this PowerPoint file, a copy of that Excel workbook is going to travel with this PowerPoint presentation. That's what that option means. The next paste option is to keep the source formatting. So, pasting this Excel chart in this PowerPoint file, it's going to paste the formatting options chosen from the Excel workbook and embed that workbook into this presentation. So once again, if I share this workbook out, that Excel file is going to follow this PowerPoint file wherever it goes. Now, another option, we also have use destination theme and keep source formatting, but we have the option instead rather than embedding to link the data. Now this will make for a smaller PowerPoint file, but rather than the Excel file traveling with the PowerPoint file, it's going to link the data. Now the advantages to linking the data are this, if the Excel workbook gets updated, so if someone comes into this Excel Workbook and changes a number, this PowerPoint file, these numbers, are also going to get updated. With these embed options, that's not going to happen, because it's basically making a copy of that Excel file, so if one source changes, the other source won't. With this one, it will. So linking data has its advantages. The problem is if I'm sharing this presentation or switching computers or traveling with this presentation, I have to remember the source file that that Excel spreadsheet, I have to remember to take that with me, otherwise that link will be broken, it won't be able to update, and I might not be able to view that chart during the presentation itself. So those are what those linking options mean. And then finally, we have the option, of course, to paste it as a picture. So for the purposes of this demo, let's go ahead and use Destination Theme and Embed Workbook. And now that we've done that, we can format our presentation, we can resize the chart, making it bigger, I want this to fill my slide, and we can format specific areas. So if I select this area within, I can resize that as well, but not all areas can be resized. Notice this vertical axis, notice how the little dots inside here are blue. If I try to grab hold of the corners and resize that, it's not really going to allow that. So not everything is resizable. Likewise, for this chart title. But what I can do is make the font bigger, and that will automatically resize it. Likewise, for this axis over here. So, with formatting charts, the first step is to click on any area that you like and see what options you have for formatting. Just like in Excel, you'll see these on object buttons for swapping out various chart styles and colors, and clicking on this plus sign you can add and remove various chart elements, such as data labels, the data table, and gridlines, and even that legend. From the Chart Tools contextual tab on the Design tab, you have a variety of different chart styles from which to choose. You'll also find a lot of those same options to add chart elements, to change the layout, and change colors as well. From the Format tab, you can format any of the shapes you have selected. So clicking on any one of these little points, I can change the format of the shape or the shape fill or shape outlines. Now, formatting charts does take a little bit of practice to kind of get used to what you can and cannot do. So do spend some time and play around with formatting this chart, just for practice. Click on various chart parts, play around with some of the design and format options, right-click on parts of the graph or the chart, and even explore your Format Data Series or other advanced formatting options, basically right-clicking on anything and going to the Format options, you'll see a variety of different advanced options for anything you've right-clicked on. So, do play around with that, and just see what options you have available. But those are some basics for creating and formatting charts in PowerPoint 2016.

  33. Working with SmartArt - One last kind of visual element that you can create in PowerPoint 2016 is called SmartArt. Now there are several ways to create a SmartArt graphic. The first ways is to go to your Insert tab and in the Illustrations group click on the SmartArt button. That will open up the SmartArt Graphic gallery, and there's a lot of different things to choose from in here. The first thing that you have to consider is the kind of information that you are presenting, because all of your SmartArt graphics are organized by the kind of information that you will be presenting. If it's a kind of list, there's an entire area for lists. If you are communicating a process, a linear process, for example, here are a bunch of graphics that illustrate a linear process. If it's not a linear process, but a cycle with a series of steps that recur, you can choose from a variety of different cycle diagrams. But if what you're showing is instead a hierarchy or series of relationships, in your hierarchy area you can choose from a variety of different hierarchy diagrams. In your relationship area, there's a variety of different diagrams from which to choose. Clicking on any one of these diagrams, you can read a description about what that diagram was created to illustrate. For example, counterbalance arrows. It says over here they're used to show two opposing ideas or concepts. Whereas these gears, they're used to show interlocking ideas. So, if you are confused about what visual is best for what you are trying to communicate, simply click and browse through these diagrams, click on them, read the description, and really think about your content and how you want to visually represent them. You always want your visual message to reflect or match your verbal one. So for right now, I am going to choose this basic organization chart, and insert that onto this slide. Now SmartArt graphics, in addition to a shape, have various text placeholders, and there are two ways you can enter text into a SmartArt shape. You can click inside the shape itself and begin typing. As you type, PowerPoint will then resize the text and all text within the placeholders to fit with inside that shape. In addition to typing within each shape, you can also type, if you prefer, within this area over to the left, and some people prefer this outline view instead of typing within the shapes, but it's totally up to you, it's a personal preference. This is called your text pane, and if you don't see it by default, you can open that up by clicking the arrow to the right, or excuse me, to the left of the SmartArt shape, or in the SmartArt Tools Design tab in the Create Graphic group, click on Text Pane to show that text pane. So clicking inside this subordinate, or excuse me, this assistant to the president area, let's go ahead and type that in, and then we can continue typing our other titles here. Now if you've finished typing and find that you need additional shapes, there are several ways that you can add shapes. If you're inside your text pane, and you reach the end of a line, you can simply press Enter, just like in a bulleted list, to add an additional shape. To promote or demote any one of these shapes, you can use the buttons from your SmartArt Tools Design tab to promote or demote any one of these shapes. Other ways to add shapes, you can also do that from the Create Graphic group, just select whatever bullet point you want, go up to the Add Shape button, and click on Add Shape, or you can click that dropdown arrow and choose what kind of shape you want. You can choose Add Shape After, Add Shape Before, Add Shape Above, Add Shape Below, or Add Assistant. I'm going to choose Add Shape After, and keep choosing that. Now, in addition to adding shapes, you can also adjust the layout or how these shapes layout underneath your graphic. So right now these are stacked underneath. If instead I want to lay these shapes out horizontally underneath the VPs, I can select the shape above, choose Layout, and then choose how I want these to layout. There's Standard, there's Both, there's Left Hanging, and Right Hanging. So, I'm going to choose Standard, and that'll give me a little bit more space within my diagram. In addition to adding shapes, promoting, demoting, and adjusting the layout, you can also adjust the color of your SmartArt graphic, and these will be based upon your theme colors. You can choose from the primary theme colors, you can make your graphic very colorful, or based on a particular accent color. So I'm going to choose colorful, and then adjust my SmartArt styles. Now right now the default is this flat style, but I can choose a White Outline, a Subtle Effect, a Moderate Effect, which gives a little gradient to the background, or any number of Intense Effects or 3-D Effects. Now if you don't like the changes that you've made, in the Reset Group, you also have this button right here, the Reset Graphic, which will discard all of the formatting changes made to the SmartArt graphic. That won't change any of the creation options that you chose, like the adding or promoting or the layout options, but any of the formatting options, like colors and styles, those will be reset. Now one last thing that is very, very cool about SmartArt is that you can convert SmartArt to shapes. Now typically you don't want to do this until you are completely done adjusting SmartArt, because SmartArt is great in that no matter what you do, it's going to resize and readjust SmartArt for you, but once you convert it to shapes, so going to that convert group and choosing Convert to Shapes, these are now grouped shapes. So I can ungroup them, and now these are just shapes. And I can format them individually or move them around just like any old shape. And that was creating SmartArt manually from that Insert tab. Now if you have information already on your slide and just want to convert that text or information to SmartArt, you can do that. So here I have this bulleted list, and if I select that bullet list and go to my Home tab, in my Paragraph group, I have an option to convert that list to a SmartArt graphic. Now most of the time when you're converting text to SmartArt, it will be some kind of list or process, so by default it's only going to display these list or processes, those diagrams, in this window here, but if you want to access more of your SmartArt graphics, you can open that window and access all of your diagrams from here, but most of the time these are probably the ones that you'll want. So choose that SmartArt graphic, and that's how easy it is to convert a bulleted list to SmartArt. And that is how you can work with SmartArt in PowerPoint 2016.

  34. Transitions, Animations, Hyperlinks, and Actions - Adding Slide Transitions - So jumping back to our JEALOUS FORK ENTERTAINMENT presentation, if we were to view this presentation in slideshow view, and advance these slides, you would see that there's not really a smooth transition between slides, it just jumps from one slide to the next rather abruptly. Well, in PowerPoint you can control how one slide transitions to the next by adding a slide transition to a single slide. From your Transitions tab in the Transitions to This Slide group, you'll see a gallery of different transitions that you can add. A very popular one and one that I'm quite fond of is the Fade transition. Selecting that slide and choosing that transition will apply that transition to that one slide, but if you want to apply that transition to all slides in your presentation, you can jump over to the Timing group and choose the option Apply to All to apply that transition to all slides in your presentation. In fact, if you go over to your slides pane and look, there's that little teeny tiny star underneath the slide numbers to show you that there are animations associated with that slide. In this case, it's going to be that transition. If you'd like to preview what animations are on that slide, simply click on that star to view that animation, or in this case, that transition. Another way to preview your slide transition is to go up to the Transitions tab and click on the Preview button, that will also preview that slide transition. Now, every transition, well, not every one, but most transitions, will come with a variety of effect options. With a slide selected and a transition applied to that slide, off to the right of the transition gallery you'll see a menu for Effect Options. Now Fade comes with two options, there's Smoothly and Through Black. If you have a different transition selected, in fact, I'm going to choose the slide two and choose a different transition like Push, you'll see even more effect options from which to choose. There's From Bottom, From Left, From Right, and of course, From Top. In addition to controlling the Effect Options, you could also change the duration or how long each transition lasts. Each transition comes with its own default. For example, Fade comes with a 00.70 second duration. If you'd like to change that, you can go over to the Timings group and adjust the length of that transition. So if I want this fade to occur faster, I could hit that down arrow and bump the timing down. Likewise, if I'd like the duration to happen a little bit more slowly, I can bump the duration up, perhaps to one full second. Another option, and usually this is not recommended, you can also apply a sound effect to go with that slide transition. But typically the sound effects can be a little bit distracting for viewers, so most of the time we recommend no sound at all. You can also choose how the slide advances. A popular choice is On Mouse Click, which means you, the presenter, are in control of when the slide transitions. Or if the viewer is in control in controlling the presentation, they are in control of when the slide transitions, in other words, they can click their mouse to move onto the next slide. But if you want a self running presentation, which is very common in newer style presentations, like the PechaKucha presentation, you would want to set your slides to advance automatically after a certain duration. But for this presentation, since this is more like a kiosk than anything else, we're going to have the advanced On Mouse Click so the viewer is in control. So with these settings selected, I'm going to click that Apply to All button one more time to make sure that all slides are consistent throughout the presentation, and then I'm going to hit that Save button. Now there is one new, very brand-new transition to PowerPoint 2016 for Office 365 subscribers, and that is this Morph transition. And to demonstrate Morph, I'm going to create a brand-new presentation, and start from a blank slide. So starting from this blank presentation, we are going to make some objects move around the slide rather magically. But first I'm going to start with a square. So let's insert a square onto my slide. So there it is, that's the first step. Next I want to duplicate the slide, and then on the second slide, I'm just going to move this object around, say, like that. Now to really show you what Morph is doing, let's go back up to that transition slide and apply Morph to the second slide. And there you have it. What Morph is doing is it's comparing the changes between the slides I've duplicated. Now as long as all of the objects are the same, it's going to animate or fill in the gaps between those two slides. And there you go. That'll work with shapes. It will also with text. So I'm going to add some text here, so I have a very small Hello, and I'm going to duplicate this slide, and then on this slide make this Hello huge. Okay, and that's what it looks like there. And that's just a tiny, tiny taste of what you can do with Morph. Jumping over to our presentation, the one that we've been working on so far, we have a picture gallery. And there is another way, a slightly more complicated way, that we can animate this slide, and we'll be doing it that way in the next clip. But with this new morph transition, which isn't really available to all PowerPoint 2016 users at this time, which is why it's great that there's another way to achieve the same effect, but I've got to tell you, this is a lot simpler. All I've done is duplicated this slide and move the objects over. So here you can see I've got everything, all of my buttons lined up, all of the gallery, all I did was duplicate the slide, and then slide all of my objects over. Then, I applied some actions to these arrows to move back and forth between these two slides, and here's the effect that it created. From this slide, here it is, I can click on this arrow here, and I have an action applied to this arrow, so upon clicking this arrow, it will advance to the next slide. And we'll talk about actions in a later clip. But clicking on that arrow, there is morph. Now, it's not the smoothest of transitions as you can see, but the effect is there. And now I have another action on this arrow, which will jump back to the previous slide, and there goes morph again. So that's another way that morph can be used. Now once again, this Morph transition is only available for subscribers to Office 365. If you are running PowerPoint 2016, but you do not have an Office 365 subscription, Morph will not work. In fact, if you open up this presentation and try to run it, all you'll have between these slides is a very simple fade. The Morph animation will not work. So for all of you non-Morph PowerPoint users, check out the next clip, because I'm going to be showing you an alternative method for animating this photo gallery using animations.

  35. Introduction to Animations - If you have ever worked with any other kind of animation program or know anything at all about animation, PowerPoint animations might be a little bit difficult to wrap your head around, and that's because the folks at Microsoft have made animating objects so simple that anyone can do it. I know, it's a strange phenomenon. I remember training a pro graphic designer how to use PowerPoint and he stood there, really frustrated, looking at the screen and asked, where do you go to make a key frame? PowerPoint contains nothing as complicated as key frames. No, PowerPoint is even simpler than that. In fact, you are staring at the only four animation types you have or will need, entrance animations, exit animations, emphasis animations, and motion paths. To show you these animations and actions, let's jump over to the Slideshow view and click through each animation. Each animation I have set to occur on click and we'll talk a little bit more about that later. So now that we are in Slideshow view, you might be asking, hey, what happened to that little green star, or if you are colorblind, what happened to that brown star? That's the question my husband asks. Well, that is because of the type of animation we have set to this green star, an entrance animation, which controls how and when the object will first appear onscreen. If there is not an entrance animation applied, then the objects will be displayed when the slide appears, as is the case with our other stars. But, if I click my mouse once, you will see that star appear based upon whatever entrance animation I have applied to it. In this case, I use the fly in from bottom entrance animation. Now, as the name suggests, exit animations control how an object leaves or disappears from the slide. And if I click my mouse, that will advance to the next animation, which is this exit animation, and the red star will exit, never to appear again, unless, that is, I add an additional animation after the exit animation. So, yes, you can combine animations to achieve rather complicated effects. People have created short animated films using nothing but PowerPoint. Google the PowerPoint Expert Club, or visit and just be amazed. But anyway, back to the basics. The next kind of effect you can create is an emphasis effect. Emphasis effects do not control how an object enters or leaves the slide, so you won't see this star enter or leave the slide. But emphasis effects do something. This one spins. And finally, similar to emphasis in that this last animation will not change how an object enters or leaves the slide, motion animations will move the object around on the slide or off the slide. The difference here is that in Slide view, you have a path that you can move around or change direction to customize where you want the object to go. And those are your basic animation types. Now let's jump over and begin practicing applying some basic entrance and exit animations. Here is a simple bullet list, and let's say we want each bullet to appear one at a time on click. There are actually a couple of ways to animate text inside of a placeholder list, like this. And it depends upon how you select your text. On slide two, I'm going to select my bullet points by selecting the placeholder, rather than selecting the individual lines or bullets. Now, let's apply a simple entrance fade animation. So, going to our Animations tab in the Animations group, simply click on the Fade animation, and that will apply that animation to the selected placeholder. Now, to see how these animations were applied, I'm going to open up my Animation Pane. So, in the Advanced Animation group, click on the Animation Pane button. To the right, the pane will open, and you can see that PowerPoint has added our animations to our content placeholder. Now notice this down double arrow bar. Clicking that will expand the content placeholder animations and show us how all of these animations are structured. If we so choose, here we can make any adjustments necessary. If we want a specific bullet to appear with another, we can adjust how that animation starts. So, let's say I select this animation and change it from On Click to With Previous. Now, that bullet point will animate with the previous bullet point. I can also adjust the duration of any single animation or add a delay. Now, let's jump down to slide three and animate our bullets a slightly different way. This time we are going to select the individual text lines rather than the placeholder. Now, applying that Fade animation, isn't that interesting? PowerPoint animates these lines together, all at once, on a single click. Now, of course, we can change this behavior, but I just wanted to show you that how you select your text will make a difference in how PowerPoint animates that text by default.

  36. Motion Paths and Animation Triggers - Now that we understand a bit more about how animations work in PowerPoint, let's try something a tad bit more complicated. Let's try motion path animation to our photo gallery. So, selecting our photo gallery group, let's go up to our Animations tab and select the Lines Motion Path. By default, it will move this object down, but we can change the direction easily by going over to the Effect Options button and clicking on Left. Now, as you can see in the preview, the gallery doesn't move far enough, but that's okay, we can change that as well. Taking my mouse, I can click on the red stop point and click and drag to extend the motion path. To keep your motion path straight, hold down the Shift key while you were dragging. PowerPoint will display a ghosted preview of what the slide will look like when the animation finishes. And that is what our animation looks like so far. Now, let's add another motion path to send this gallery back in the other direction. To add additional animations to an object, and this is very important, do not click on an animation in the Animation gallery. That will replace your existing animation. If instead you want to add an animation, you need to select the Add Animation button where the exact same gallery will appear. When we add another motion path, watch where it places that motion path. That is not what we want to have happen. Now, this is the part that can get a little tricky. We need to select the animation we want to adjust from the Animation Pane, and then grab hold of the start and stop animation points, the red and green points, and move them to where we want them to be, which can be a little confusing with this ghosting preview happening. The trick is to make this animation begin where the other animation stops, and this animation end where the other animation begins. In any event, even PowerPoint experts have a hard time with this one, so this will take a little time getting used to. So now that we have our motion paths, there's still a tad bit of a problem. In Slideshow view, this animation will play on click, any old click anywhere, but we want to make it a little bit more specific than that. We want to make the gallery move only when these arrows are clicked. For that, we will need to set an animation trigger. In the Advanced Animation group, click on the Trigger button. From there, hover your mouse over the option On Click of, which will open up a side menu displaying every single object on this PowerPoint slide. And from this menu, it is very easy to tell what object is what because in an earlier clip we renamed all of our objects in the Selection Pane, go us! But right now, we are looking for the right arrow, which we will pair with our left motion path. Likewise, our right motion path should be paired with our left arrow. And here in the Animation Pane, you can see what that looks like. Now let's jump over to Slideshow view and test this out. Clicking that right arrow, there we go, and clicking that left arrow, there it goes back. And that is how you can animate objects in PowerPoint 2016.

  37. Working with Hyperlinks - Since the last clip, I've been a little bit busy adding additional animations to this one slide. In fact, I've gone through and I've animated all the text boxes below and the buttons, and I've added them to the various triggers that we placed on the arrows on the slide. So, let's jump over to Slideshow view to show you what I've done. So here's how the slide comes up, and when I click the right arrow, you can see the text disappears, and then new text and new buttons appear that match the photos that slide in. And now if I hit the other arrow, same thing happens, text disappears, new text reappears. Now, for the moment we're going to be taking a pause on this one slide, but we'll be coming back in the next clip to add some actions to our action buttons. But let's jump over to our first slide, and start adding some hyperlinks. Now, what a hyperlink is or what it does, it's a connection from either one slide to another slide in the same presentation, a connection from one slide to another presentation, or a connection to an email address or a webpage, or even a file on your desktop. Hyperlinks can be used for a variety of purposes, and in this slide, we're going to be adding some text down below to display this company's website. So let's go ahead and add that text. Let's go to the Insert tab and click on the Text Box button, and draw a text box towards the bottom of this slide. Now I'm going to be typing in just some simple text here, and while I'm at it, I'm going to format this text and change the color to white and add a little bit of a shadow to it so you can see it a little bit better. Now, once we have the text in place that we want to add a hyperlink to, let's go back up to our Insert tab, and in the Links group, you'll see two buttons here. We're going to be working with the Hyperlink button in this clip. Now to add a hyperlink, all you've got to do is click right on top of this button, or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+K. So, clicking that button, that will open up the Insert Hyperlink window, and as you can see, there are a lot of different options from which to choose. Off to the left-hand side of this window, you'll see a variety of different locations to link to. There's Existing File or Web Page, a Place in this Document, you also have the ability to Create a New Document, or E-mail Address. We want to jump to Existing File or Web Page. Now, with this selection, there's two areas of interest. If you want to link to an existing file, either in the current folder of your computer or you can go through and browse pages or recent files, you can select that file from here or change where on your computer that file is stored. If you want to link to a web page or web address, what you can do is type in that web address in this box down below. Now, since Jealous Fork Entertainment, right now that website does not exist yet, so I'm going to have it link to a slightly different website; my own, in fact. So, typing out that full URL, complete with the HTTP, once you've typed in the web address, go ahead and click OK, and that hyperlink will be applied to that object. Now I do want to point out at this time that to apply that hyperlink, I had the entire text box selected, and it didn't change the look of the text at all. Now, if you were to go through and select just a portion of text like I'm doing right now with the word Weddings, and add a hyperlink to that, and for this one, let's actually have this jump to a place in this document. In fact, let's have it jump right to our wedding slide, and click OK. Selecting just the text, you can see that it's reformatted that text to make it look more like a hyperlink. Now if for some reason you don't like this text formatted that way, you can reformat hyperlinks. For that you will have to adjust your theme colors. So, jumping over to the Design group, and clicking on this variance dropdown and going to colors, we can choose the option Customize Colors. And down below, you'll see the colors for Hyperlink and Followed Hyperlink. So instead of this light blue, if I wanted to make that black to match the rest of the text, I could do that. And if I wanted to make this purple text slightly darker, I could change that as well. Now a preview of what these links will look like will appear here. And finally, all you've got to do is save these new theme colors. So I'm just going to title this Hyperlinks and click Save. And now it's customized the theme I had been using, and as you can see, it's updated my hyperlink. So now when I go and apply additional hyperlinks to this text, just going back to my Insert tab, Hyperlink, place in this document, now I'm going to select Corporate Events to have it linked to that slide, and OK. As you can see, those new formatting colors are options will be applied to future hyperlinks as well. Now let me go ahead and create the rest of the hyperlinks for the rest of these slides, and there we go. And now to see these hyperlinks in action, let's jump over to Slideshow view, and hover your mouse over any one of these links, and see that cursor change to that little tiny hand. That hand tells you that there is something that you can click on to perform an action. And in the bottom right-hand corner, if I hover my mouse over this link right here, you can see that some helper text pops up to tell me the real address it's going to go to, that is what's referred to as a screen tip. That you can customize as well. In fact, let's escape from this presentation and adjust that. Just select that text box one more time, go back to that Hyperlink button or press Ctrl+K, and in the Edit Hyperlink window, click on the button in the upper right-hand corner called ScreenTip. To set the hyperlink screen tip, type in any tip that you'd like for your user here. And once you have that typed in, go ahead click OK, and OK again, and let's return to Slideshow view, there is our hyperlink complete with our brand-new helper text or screen tip, and when we click on this link, PowerPoint will open up a browser window directly to the website that we had plugged in. And there's my website. Now to return to your presentation, all you have to do really is to close this brand-new window, and that'll return you to the presentation. Now let's try out some of these other hyperlinks. So, let's go to our Weddings links here, click on that, and as you can see, it will fade to our Weddings slide. Now, right now we don't have a way to really return directly to where we were with the exception of scrolling through and clicking through the entire presentation. That's because we don't have a hyperlink or action set to this button right here. So, escaping the presentation, that will take us back to this slide, and now join me in the next video to add actions to these buttons right here.

  38. Working with Actions - In the previous clip we talked about hyperlinks. Actions are actually kind of similar to hyperlinks. It's just that actions have a little bit more options, and well, a few more things that they can do. Action buttons can be created quite simply from the Shapes gallery. In fact, if you click on that Shapes button and go all the way down, you'll see a lot of pre-built buttons right here. So hovering my mouse over this Action Button Home and clicking on that, you'll see my cursor turn into a kind of drawing cursor, and if I draw just a little tiny button right next to my Back button, you'll see PowerPoint draw that button and then open up the Action Settings window. Action Settings can run on two different actions, on a Mouse Click or a Mouse Over. Now typically for buttons you'll want them to occur on mouse click, so selecting that tab, next we choose an action. The first one that's selected here is Hyperlink to, so it is creating a hyperlink on this action button, but there are other actions that you can choose from. You can have it run a program, such as Microsoft Excel or Word. You can have it run a macro if you have a macro-enabled presentation. Or you could even have the shape perform some kind of object action, which incidentally will only be available if your presentation contains an OLE object, and that is a little bit outside the scope of this course, but for right now, we're just going to have this button hyperlink to a specific slide. Now, Home buttons by default will hyperlink back to the first slide, but there are other options that you can have this button hyperlink to. If you take your mouse and click on this dropdown arrow, you'll see all of the other options that you can hyperlink to. There's Next Slide, Previous Slide, First Slide, Last Slide, Last Slide Viewed. You can even have it end the show, pull up a custom show, jump to a specific slide or URL, like we did in the last clip. You can have it open up another PowerPoint presentation, or have it even open up another file. But for right now we're going to have it stick with our first slide, and click OK to have it save those settings. After that, we can then drag or move around this button anywhere we want on this slide, or format it like any other shape in PowerPoint. So if I don't like this square and instead I want it to format a little bit more rounded, I can go up to my Drawing Tools Format tab, click on Edit Shape, Change Shape, and choose that rounded rectangle that we were using. But notice when I did that it did change the look of the button. Now it no longer has that Home icon in it, but that's okay. You can also use your Format Painter to copy formatting from one button to another. So, selecting this Back button, if I go over to my Home tab and click on that Format Painter, I can apply that formatting to this button. And now all I have to do is resize the button to make it go with my other one, and let's go ahead and add some text to this button, Home, since our Home icon is missing, and now I have two buttons. But right now I have an action applied to my Home button, but no actions applied to the Back button. So, if we want to apply an action manually, first things first, you've got to select that button, go up to the Insert tab, and in the Links group click on that Action button. That will bring up that exact same Actions window that we saw before. And just like before, we can choose the action that we want to have this button perform, whether it's on Mouse Click or Mouse Over. We're going to stick with Mouse Click, and we're going to have it hyperlink to not the next slide, but the last slide viewed. Now there's a few more options here that I want to talk about. Down below you can also have these buttons play a specific sound, so if you want the buttons to click, you can choose Click, and if you want the option to highlight click, and I'll show you what that does in just a moment, you can check that box, and then click OK. Now that we have these two buttons formatted the way we like, let's go ahead and copy these buttons to all of our other hidden slides. So, selecting those two buttons, hit Ctrl+C, and let's paste them to the rest of our slides. And there we go. Now we have a few more actions that we want to apply to these buttons right here. And to make sure I'm selecting the correct buttons, let me open up that Selection Pane, since I've got these objects stacked one on top of the other. There's my Wedding button, let's try this again. Insert, Action, and this time rather than a next slide or the last viewed slide, we want this to go to a specific slide. Choosing slide, you'll see a list of all of the slides in your presentation. Clicking on a specific slide will show you a preview of what that slide looks like in your window, and I do want to point out any slide number that is in parentheses is a hidden slide. So selecting Weddings from this list, click OK, click OK, now we've applied that action to this Weddings button. And since I've applied that action, let me hide that button real quick, and now let's select the button underneath it, and apply an action to this Lighting Info button. So back up to Action, hyperlink to Slide, and let's select Event Lighting, and OK. Now I'm going to go through and pause this video and add actions to the rest of these six buttons here. And now that I have all of the actions applied to these buttons, let's jump over to Slideshow view and see what this looks like. So here's my gallery, just like we had before, and now I can hover my mouse over any one of these buttons to jump to that specific slide, and I can take my mouse and hover them over these buttons to go back, and there's that click that you just heard that will take us back to our last viewed slide, and I can click on another one, and then use the Home button to go home. And there you have it. That is how you can create actions or action buttons in PowerPoint 2016.

  39. Working with Video and Audio in PowerPoint 2016 - Adding Video - For the next few clips, we are going to be taking a break from the Jealous Fork presentation that we've been building throughout the course, mainly because here we will be working with media, something that our Jealous Fork presentation does not use. Now the first bit of media we'll be working with is video, and there are several ways to add or incorporate video in your presentation. First, you can embed or link to a video from your PC right from your presentation. Now there are advantages to embedding verses linking and linking versus embedding. It really depends on your situation. Embedding will dramatically increase your PowerPoint file size, but you won't even have to worry about that video not being there when you need it to play. With linking, the video remains separate from your presentation, which means lower file size, but it also means that you'll have to remember to copy that video to the same folder as your presentation to prevent broken links. Now to embed a video, go up to your Insert tab, and in the Media group click on that Video button. From there, a small menu will open with two options, Online Video, which we'll talk about in a moment, and Video on My PC. Choose Video on My PC. Next, navigate to where your video is saved. And mine is just saved to my Videos folder. And this is a short video that I created for YouTube, saved locally to this machine. So I'm going to select this MP4 file and click Insert. And there's the video. To play your video, you have player controls over the bottom of the video, so clicking that Play button, you'll get a preview of what that video looks like. But if you want the video to play automatically during the slideshow, from the Video Tools Playback tab in the Video Options group, you can change the start time from On Click to Automatically. That way when you are in Slideshow view, you won't have to worry about clicking that Play button. Now you'll also find a variety of other useful options from this tab, such as the option to play the video full screen, you have the ability to adjust the volume of the video, to loop the video and have it play over and over again, and in the Editing group over here, you also have the ability to trim the beginning and ends of the video to make the video shorter. On the Video Tools Format tab, you'll find a lot of the same formatting options that you'd find available for pictures. One different option specific to the video is the option to adjust the poster frame. The poster frame is the preview image for the video that appears on the slide before the video plays. And if you remember, ours was this black screen. Now if you'd like to select a different frame, you can scroll through the video, find a frame of the video that you like, go up to that Format tab, click on that Poster Frame dropdown, and select Current Frame, and that will update that will current frame. You can see a preview in the Slides Pane there. Or, if you like, you can import an image from file. So if your company's designed apartment, who is really good with Photoshop has created something special for you, you can import that custom picture here. And that is a quick tour of your video options. Now, let me delete this video real quick, and we're going to insert this video again, but use a slightly different method. This time instead of embedding the video, we're going to link the video. To link a video, we go about inserting the video the same way. We go up to the Insert tab, to the Media group, click on Video, and click on Video on My PC. We select the video, but this time instead of just clicking on that Insert button, we need to click that little arrow next to that Insert button. From there, you should see the option Link to File. Selecting that option instead of embedding that video will create a link to that video. And that's how you link to a video file. Looks the same, but it's not. You can still play the video just fine during your presentation, plays the same, looks the same, but it's not the same. Now in addition to inserting video from your PC, you can insert video from online, but I will warn you, this is not an incredibly reliable option, sometimes. I can't tell you how many times something changes, from either YouTube itself, whether they've updated their embed code to a specific Microsoft update, to the person who supplied the video in the first place, they might have removed the video or changed the permissions for the video. Or sometimes it's just something as simple as poor internet streaming. There's just a lot that can go wrong with this particular option, so be cautioned. Nonetheless, here's how it should work in theory. Like before, go up to the Insert tab and in the Media group click on that Video button, but this time select Online Video. That will open an Insert Video window and display several options. Sometimes you'll see the option to insert from SharePoint if you have a SharePoint site listed as a connected service. In this particular profile I do not, so that option will not appear in my screen, but you might see that at the very top. You might also see options for OneDrive, for YouTube, or an area down below where you can paste your own embed code. Now down below it also says that you can insert from Facebook, but quite honestly, I've never tried that. PowerPoint is where I work. Facebook is where, well, I don't work. I like to keep those two areas of my life separate, if you know what I mean. But let's go up here and search YouTube for a video. Let's try using the search term birds, and press Enter. Now that will bring up a variety of different videos tagged with the keyword birds, be it in the title or the description or an actual tag that the person has added to the video. And this first one looks promising, The Ultimate Video of Birds for Cats To Watch. Let's go ahead and select that as an option, and insert that into our PowerPoint slide. Now, I should tell you, online video works a bit differently than other video. In fact, you won't see any Play button on the video itself in this normal view. And if you go up to the Video Tools Playback tab, you won't have nearly as many options here. In fact, most of them will be grayed out. And even though options that are here that you can see, like this option to have it play automatically, you can see as I'm trying to select it, even if I can get it to show up, it's not going to change it, it's not going to play automatically, I've discovered. Now, to view this video, if we click on the Slideshow view button, and go to Slideshow view, depending on the speed of your internet connection, the video will load, and you'll see that standard YouTube button appear in the middle of the video. Now taking our mouse and clicking, that will connect to YouTube and begin playing that video. And that is how you can insert video into PowerPoint 2016.

  40. Adding Audio - Adding audio in many ways works a lot like adding video, in that you can both embed audio or link to it. Even how you add audio is very similar. Just go up to your Insert tab and in your Media group click on the Audio button. Then from there, click on Audio on My PC, locate the audio file that you'd like to insert, and click Insert to embed the file, or click on the drop arrow and choose Link to File to link to that audio file. Either way, we'll insert an audio icon on the screen, along with player controls that you can use to play the audio file while working on your presentation, or from Slideshow view. Now, many of the audio options are also the same as the video options, with a few minor differences here and there. For example, audio you can set to have Play in the background of your presentation, across slides, whereas you can't really do that with video. Now, with audio, a lot of people prefer to not show this standard audio icon. But if we choose the option to hide this icon during the show, we're going to need another way to play the audio file during the presentation, because this control bar, the play buttons, will not display them. And setting this audio file to play automatically, that's not always the best option, especially for silly little sound effects. Well, just like in animation, you can set an audio file to play on a trigger. To do that, we'll need to navigate to our Animations tab, and with our audio file selected, we can then click on this Trigger option, hover over On Click of, and select the object that we'd like to click to have play the audio file. In this case, I want to be able to click on the picture of the band. So, clicking Band, that will change the trigger. And if I open up the Animation Pane, you can see what that's done here. So, here's my audio file, and here's what's triggering it, on click of the band, that being the band. Now, jumping over to Slideshow view, you can see when I hover my mouse over this picture, I get that little hand that tells me that this picture is clickable, and when I click it, (music playing) the audio plays. And those are the basics to inserting audio. Now, let's get a little bit fancier with our triggers. Right now we can click the picture to play, but there is no way to pause or stop the audio. Well, if I select our audio file and go up to our Animations tab and click on the Add Animations button, we can click on either the Pause or Stop animation to add an additional action. So adding stop, you can see that that action will add to my Animation Pane, and now all I have to do is drag that down to underneath that trigger of the band. So now when I jump over to Slideshow view, I can click to play (music playing) and click to stop. But that's not all. We could also create bookmarks to a part of the audio file. So, let's select this audio file and let's seek into about right here, what is that, 3 seconds? So, from my Audio Tools Playback tab, I can click on the option Add Bookmark to add a bookmark to that one point in my audio file. Now with that bookmark created, I can use this bookmark in reference to other actions. So, let's say I want to be able to click the conductor's baton to play just from that 3 second mark. Well, first I'm going to need to draw an object, a new object separate from that picture to click on to attach that action to. So I'm going to draw a circle right over that conductor's baton. And now, moving back to that audio file and selecting that bookmark, I can jump over to the Animations tab and in the Animations area you'll see an action that was not there before, and that's the option to Seek. Now, we're going to go over to the Add Animations button, and add that to our Animation Pane. You can see that added a big boom. So there's that Seek action, and now with that selected, I want to have that trigger On Click of that oval that I just drew. Now let's see what that looks like. Let's jump over to Slideshow view, and if I take my mouse and hover directly over that oval or that circle, that will play that right from that seek point. But of course, we don't really want to see this oval. But what we can do that is rather tricky is to change the shape transparency to 99%. So I'm going to move this over just a tad bit, right over that baton, go to the Drawing Tools Format tab, remove the shape outline, and I'm going to go down to More Fill Colors, and change that transparency to 99%. Now I can't really see that oval anymore, but it's still there, and if I go to Slideshow view, I still have that clickable area, and if I click it, (sound) it still works. (sound) And the band still works as well. So that button works, it's not visible to the eye in Slideshow view, and that is how you can add audio to a PowerPoint 2016 presentation.

  41. Creating a Screen Recording - One handy little feature is the ability to create a screen recording right from within PowerPoint. So, for people who have to do their own training that involves something on a website or on a computer, this is a very inexpensive and easy tool for screen capture. To create a screen capture, open up PowerPoint, navigate to the Insert tab, and in the Media group click on the button Screen Recording. PowerPoint will then minimize and display your desktop or any open windows you select. From here you can choose whether or not you want PowerPoint to record your pointer, you can choose whether or not you want to record audio, and clicking this button right here, you can select what area you want to record onscreen. That's right, you don't have to record the entire screen, but just a portion of the screen if you like. So, taking my mouse and clicking and dragging, I can choose this area right here to record. As soon as you have an area selected, a recording button will appear on that toolbar. Now hovering your mouse over this button will display a keyboard shortcut for recording, which, by the way, I can never remember. Windows logo key+Shift+R. I just use my mouse. Now, if you'd like this toolbar to stay up while you are recording, you can pin this toolbar. Otherwise, as soon as you move your mouse away from this toolbar while you are recording, the toolbar will disappear. But don't worry, while recording, as soon as you move your mouse back up to this general area, the toolbar will reappear. When you are ready to record, click the Record button, wait a few seconds to add a couple of seconds of silence at the beginning, that's just a good practice to get into the habit of, you can always edit that silence out later, and then begin talking in a full speaking voice. Testing one, two, three, testing one, two three. When you are finished recording, hover your mouse up towards the top of the screen, and click that Stop button. PowerPoint will then compile your video and place it right onto your PowerPoint slide. Now you'll see all of the same formatting and playback options that you saw in an earlier video. You can trim seconds off the beginning or end of a clip, which if you took my advice and recorded with a little bit of silence at the beginning, you'll want to do. That's also good for getting rid of that toolbar, which probably means you'll want to trim a little bit off the end, too, to get rid of the toolbar at the very end. And once you have that trimmed, you can click OK, and there's your video. And that is all there is to creating a screen recording in PowerPoint.

  42. Exporting Your Presentation as a Video - There are a couple of ways to export video from a PowerPoint 2016 presentation. In the previous clip, we created our very own screen capture right from within PowerPoint. And if all we want is to export just that video, well, that is really easy in PowerPoint 2016. Just right-click right on the video and choose the option to Save Media As. From there, we can navigate to where we want to save that video file, name our video, and save that video file as an MP4. Now, at this time that is the only video file type available, so clicking Save, that will export that video. In fact, if we open that up, here is that MP4 now. And that is one way to export video. If you are looking to create video from your entire presentation, well, here I have a complete presentation with transitions and audio that plays across all the slides. If I want to export this presentation as a video, I can go up to my File menu, all the way down to Export, and choose the option Create a Video. New to PowerPoint 2016, you have the option to export this as a higher file size, 1920 x 1080 pixels to be exact. But you can choose other file sizes as well. There's Internet Quality, which is 1080 x 720, and Low Quality, which is 852 x 480. I'm going to choose Internet Quality. Next, if you have recorded timings and narrations, or slides set to advance automatically like I do after a certain duration, then you can choose to use these recorded timings. Or you can choose to not use those recorded timings, and then set the number of seconds to spend on each slide. Or if you prefer, you can go back into the presentation and record your own timings and narrations right now using this feature, but since I already have my timings set, I'm going to choose Use Recorded Timings and Narrations. If for some reason I forgot to set a slide, PowerPoint will default to whatever I have set here. Now that I'm ready and have all of my settings configured above, all I have to do is click this Create Video button and PowerPoint will begin producing that presentation. Now this might take a little bit of time. You will see the video's progress on the status bar below. You can continue working in PowerPoint if you like, or go grab a cup of coffee. I'm going to go ahead and pause the video, we'll wait for this file to finish up, and I'll see you back in a little bit. And there we go, the file has finished uploading and saving. We can navigate to that folder to view that MP4, there it is. Double-clicking on that will then play the file. (Nature sounds) And there is our presentation. And that is how you can export your presentation as a video in PowerPoint 2016.

  43. Setting up and Running a SlideShow - Setting up a SlideShow - When your presentation is complete, you are ready to prepare your slideshow for the big show. On PowerPoint Slide Show tab, you'll find a variety of tools designed to make that task easier and to help you better prepare. Clicking on the Set Up Slide Show button will open a window where you can configure slideshow settings specific to the kind of presentation you will be running. Whether the presentation will be presented by a speaker full screen, browsed by an individual in a window, or browsed at a kiosk. Now for this particular presentation, we will be choosing kiosk, and notice as soon as we choose that option, that's going to disable a couple of the options below, and that is because of the nature of the kiosk presentation. Now, if you set up a presentation to run at a kiosk, remember to also use automatic timings or to set up your slides to advance automatically if you do not have any navigation hyperlinks like we've created in our presentation. Otherwise, your self-running presentation will not advance beyond that first slide. So with that in mind, it's a good idea to test out your presentation beforehand to make sure all the navigation functions as expected. And that is mainly because the design of a kiosk show, if we run this full screen, it's basically set up so individuals can't click or advance the slides themselves. They are stuck to using the navigation here. Other telltale signs of a PowerPoint show are also disabled, like if I try to right-click somewhere in the background, I can't get the PowerPoint popup menu, and those shortcut buttons that appear in the lower left-hand corner, those are also disabled from this view. In fact, the only way to navigate this presentation is through those hyperlinks that we've created. And the only way to escape the presentation is through the Esc key on our keyboard. So, that's some of the options of that kiosk presentation and why that's so handy, if, that is, you are running your slideshow as a kiosk. Now, beneath this show type area, you'll find additional options, like this Loop continuously until Esc option. Now once again, this option is grayed out because we have chosen the kiosk style presentation, so the presentation itself doesn't really need to loop. In fact, our kiosk presentation automatically resets after, I believe, five minutes of idle time. That's again, one of those perks of that kiosk presentation. But you do have other options that you can configure, like to show without narration, to show without animation, and below you'll find the option to disable hardware graphics acceleration. Now, I don't want to get too technical here with explaining what this means. In fact, the only time you might need to worry about checking this box is if you notice your presentation is playing slowly. Try checking this box and see if that improves your performance, and beyond that, that's all we're going to say about that in this course. Now, other options here, you can choose from a range of slides that you want to play that's a fast and easy way to limit your slideshow to a certain range of slides, or if you have a custom slideshow created, you can choose that custom show here. If you don't have any custom shows, it will be grayed out. But we'll talk more about custom shows in a later clip. And finally, if you have multiple monitors hooked up to your computer, or a projector, for example, you can set up which screen your presentation will display on here. Now, in addition to these basic show options, you have additional tools in the Set Up group designed to help you rehearse and prepare for the unexpected. The Rehearse Timings feature is just for you, really. It's kind of like a stopwatch where you can go through your presentation slide by slide and practice your speech. PowerPoint will only save the timings so you know how long you spend on each slide, and you can use that as many times as you like. But if you really want to prepare, you might consider this option, Record Slide Show. Here you can record just about anything, narrations, ink, laser pointer, slide timings, and animation timings. That way if something happens and you can't be there, your presentation and information can go on without you. If you have that slideshow recorded, that audio and those timings will be saved, and you can enable them or disable them up here by checking or unchecking these two boxes, Play Narrations or Use Timings. And one final option up here, if you have media inserted into your presentation and want to display or disable those play buttons or media controls, you can uncheck this box to hide them during your slideshow. And those are some ways to help you set up your show in PowerPoint 2016.

  44. Running a SlideShow - In this clip, we're going to be talking about running a slideshow as a presenter, and for the purposes of this clip, I've gone ahead and I've changed our show to Presented by a speaker full screen, so we'll have all of the options available to us that a speaker would have during the slideshow. So clicking OK, we're going to have to launch our slideshow, and we can do that several different ways. From our Slide Show tab in the Start Slide Show group, we can play this presentation from the beginning by clicking this button right here, or by using the keyboard shortcut F5. Or we can start or launch the presentation from whatever slide we have selected, or use the keyboard shortcut Shift+F5. Either way will launch that presentation in full screen slide show view. Now, once you are in Slideshow view, there are several ways to advance slides and your animations. The first way is to use your mouse and to click anywhere in the background of the slide, and that will advance to the next animation. If there are no animations, then it will advance to the next slide. To move backwards in a presentation using your mouse, what you can do is right-click right on the screen and choose the option Previous, and that will move backwards to the previous slide. Now you can also navigate slides using your keyboard. To perform the next animation or advance to the next slide, you actually have quite a few keys that you can press to do that. You can press the N key, the Enter key, the Page Down key, the Right Arrow, the Down Arrow, or the Spacebar. Chances are you can mash your fist on that keyboard and somehow advance that slide. There are that many keys that will advance that slide. My personal preference is the down arrow. Likewise, you also have a number of keys that will return to the previous slide or the previous animation. You can use the keyboard shortcut P, P for previous, the Page Up key, the Left Arrow, the Up Arrow, or the Backspace key. My personal preference is the Left Arrow. That way if I am using my keyboard, I have two fingers, one on the Left Arrow, and one on the Down Arrow, and I can navigate fairly easily and quickly without really having to move my hand, and that way my other hand is free to gesture. Now we have a number of hidden slides in this presentation, but that doesn't mean we can't navigate to them easily using just our keyboard. To go to a specific slide number using your keyboard, enter in that slide number and then press Enter. So if I want to jump to slide five, I can type a five and press Enter, and jump right to that slide. If I want to go back to slide two, I can press two and then Enter, and then PowerPoint will take me right back to that slide. If at any time you need to pause your presentation, let's say, it's time for a break, and you don't want to really keep your presentation on the last slide, but you don't really want to advance to the next slide, well, PowerPoint gives you two options. You can change your presentation to a blank black slide, or a blank white slide with just a simple keyboard shortcut. By tapping the B key or the period key, that will switch it to a plain black slide. To return back to your presentation, just hit either that B key or that period key again, and that will resume your presentation. Likewise, instead of that black slide, which can make people feel a little uncomfortable, you can return to a white slide by pressing W or the comma key. And there you have that plain white slide. And just like that black slide, you can return to your presentation once again by pressing W or comma one more time. And finally, if at any time you wish to exit your presentation, simply press the Esc key or navigate all the way to the very last slide. Either way will return you to PowerPoint. And those are some of the most popular tools for running a slideshow in PowerPoint 2016.

  45. Using Presenter View - One of my favorite features that got quite the overhaul in the previous version of PowerPoint is PowerPoint's Presenter view. Now this view is very handy if you have another monitor or a projector attached to your computer, where you want the projector to display the presentation, but on your machine you want your own special Presenter view, the one that will display a preview of the upcoming slide and your notes to help you during your presentation. To display Presenter view from the Slide Show tab, all you have to do is to check this box. Now, if you have multiple monitors set up, Slideshow view will launch automatically. Now, jumping over to Slideshow view, I'm going to swap out and go to Presenter view right from here. This is what it looks like. It's a nice dark screen with several areas that you can resize to your preference. This main area here shows the current slide that your audience is, well, currently looking at. Now typically I don't like seeing a huge view of that slide, so I'm going to resize that to make that a little smaller. What I like viewing are my notes, so I'm going to make that area much larger. Now I don't have any notes in this presentation, but if I did, I could bump up the font size to make it larger or smaller. There are a lot of other handy tools from this view. Up top, it will show you the timing of how long or how long the presentation is running for, you can pause that timer here, or restart the timer as you see fit. Off to the right, it will show you the current time so you never lose track of how long your presentation is running, and underneath the slide, you'll see a variety of some really neat features and tools. Over here you'll have a pen tool where you can access a laser pointer to point to a specific thing on your screen. You have a pen tool where you can circle or highlight anything on your screen. You can also change the ink color or erase any ink on the screen just with the click of a button. You can also change your arrow options. If you don't want your pointer to be visible, you can change it to hidden, visible, or automatic. Automatic, meaning it will hide after so many seconds of inactivity or be visible whenever you start to move it around the screen. Now another handy option here is the ability to see all of your slides at once. Your audience will not see this view, your audience will see whatever slide has that red highlight around it. But you can go through scroll to any one of your slides and click on it to swap out to that slide. And all your audience sees is a very subtle quick transition. Another cool tool is the ability to zoom into a portion of your slide. You'll see a tiny window giving you a preview of what you want to zoom into, and when you click your mouse, your audience will see a slow transition zoom in to that portion or that area of the slide. You can then move around the screen by clicking and dragging, or zoom back out by clicking that magnifying glass again. Another handy button is this button right here. In the previous clip, I showed you how you could jump to a black screen. There's a shortcut for that button right here right for you. And right here is a shortcut to additional options. You can jump to the last viewed slide, hide your presenter view, switch your screen to a white screen, so if you wanted a white screen to make notes on, you could do that here. Or if you wanted to access one of your other applications, you could show your taskbar. That option, by the way, also displays up here as well. Other options up top, you can adjust your display settings, so if you have more than one monitor, you can swap the Presenter view and Slideshow view or duplicate your slideshow on both monitors. But since I only have one monitor, both those options are grayed out. And finally you have a button to end your slideshow. And that is a tour of Presenter view in PowerPoint 2016.

  46. Presenter Tools - Now if for some reason you prefer not to use Presenter view, a lot of those same tools that I showed you in the previous clip are available from this view. If we go down to the lower right-hand corner, you'll see these very faint, ghost-like buttons. A lot of these buttons contain most of those tools that I showed you. For example, if we hover our mouse over this pen icon, we can click on that to access our laser pointer. Here we can point to any portion of the screen for our audience to draw attention to that portion of the screen, or we can switch to a pen tool and we can highlight or circle anything on that screen, there's our highlighter. We also have that eraser tool and we can erase the highlight, or we have the option to erase all ink on slides. Next to that we have the button for our handy slide sorter view. Now, your audience will see this from this view, but here you can jump to a specific section, click on a slide, and jump to that slide. It's still a lot handier than quickly clicking through each individual slide, and it's certainly more graceful. You also have the ability to zoom into a portion of the screen from this view. If you take your mouse and hover it over this magnifying glass here, you'll see that little box appear, and you could hover it over some text, click to magnify, and there's your hand, you can move it around, and right-click to return and zoom back out. Now, taking your mouse and hovering it over that button with the …, you'll see all of your additional options. You can jump to the last viewed slide, any custom shows you have created, which we'll talk about in the next clip, you can jump to Presenter view from here, switch to a black screen, a white screen, or display your taskbar. You can also adjust your arrow options from here, open up PowerPoint Help, or of course, end your PowerPoint show. Now, if for some reason you do not see those tools there when you launch PowerPoint, they might be disabled in your version of PowerPoint. If that's the case, go up to your File menu, all the way down to Options, and in the Advanced tab, scroll down to find the slideshow section. That is your popup toolbar that we were working with. Make sure that that is checked, because if it's unchecked, if we return to our slideshow, hovering your mouse over that corner, that's not going to do anything. Those buttons will not appear. In fact, with those buttons not there, the only way we can access those presenter tools is to right-click on the screen. And those are your presenter tools in PowerPoint 2016.

  47. Setting up a Custom Show - Now, if you have a relatively long presentation and would like to shorten it, rather than hiding slides or deleting them from your presentation, what you can do is create a custom slideshow. That way you can quickly and easily tailor your presentation for a specific audience. To create a custom slideshow from you slideshow tab, go up to the Custom Slide Show button and click on Custom Shows. From there the Custom Shows window will appear. Click on New to begin creating that custom show. From here you can check and click on all of the slides that you would like to add to your presentation. Once you have those slides selected, click on the Add button to add those slides to your presentation. From here, if you like, you can rearrange or reorder any one of those slides. Finally, you can give that custom show a name, and click OK to save that custom show. Now if you'd like to show that custom show, you can simply click on the Show button, and that will display that custom show. And if at any time you'd like to go back and edit those custom shows, simply return to that Custom Slide Show button, click on Custom Shows, select the show that you would like to edit, and click on Edit. And that's really all there is to creating custom shows in PowerPoint 2016.

  48. Where to Go From Here - Congratulations on reaching the end of the course. We have certainly covered a lot of topics and have learned a lot, but that doesn't mean you know everything there is to know about PowerPoint or designing an effective PowerPoint presentation. In fact, the only thing we've discussed here today is PowerPoint the tool. There is still a wealth of topics and information out there to learn regarding slide design, persuasion or rhetoric, or even how to effectively display quantitative data visually. So, with that in mind, I'm going to leave you to a few of my favorite presentation resources. The first place to go if you get stuck at PowerPoint in Microsoft answers, also known as the Microsoft community forum, a help forum dedicated to answering your questions related to all things Office, Windows, and other Microsoft-related technologies and services. You can sign in with your Microsoft account, post a question, and someone from the community will answer your question. I've posted questions to the community before and have received answers in under 30 minutes sometimes. It's a very active forum. Many of the PowerPoint MVPs submit answers here, as do I, and it's usually the first place I go when I have a question or if something isn't working quite as expected in PowerPoint. And that's really the only forum I'd recommend. As far as books go, though, there are a lot I like, but a few I love. Here they are. Slide:ology: by fellow PowerPoint MVP Nancy Duarte. She's actually written quite a few books on the subject of slide and presentation design, but if you only have the option to purchase one, this is the book. It's a great primer for thinking visually in a business environment and for crafting effective visuals that support your verbal message. Plus, the book itself is just a work of art. Every page is an absolute delight to the eyes. It's just beautiful. Speaking of which, if you are looking to learn more about visual design, I highly recommend this book, The Elements of Graphic Design by Alex White. It's another great primer to get you started in thinking more like a graphic designer. The examples in the book do not specifically talk about PowerPoint per say, but the principles are most definitely transferrable. The only other thing I'd recommend about this book is to buy the paperback, not the Kindle edition. There is a lot of sample artwork in the book and the layout and feel for it is just lost in the Kindle edition. If you are ever tasked with creating a template for your company, you must buy this book, Building PowerPoint Templates, by two of my fellow PowerPoint MVPs, Echo Swinford and Julie Terberg. They actually gave me a free copy, and since then I've purchased this book five times for other people as either gifts or company expenses. When my former company hired a bunch of graphic designers who had little PowerPoint experience, this book was required reading for week one of their training. And as far as websites to visit regularly, you should check out this website, by David Paradi. David works one-on-one with top executives around the globe, helping them to present better, and he has quite a few great articles and free resources at his website, thinkoutsidetheslide, one of which is this awesome proportional object collection calculator. If you want to represent values visually, but don't want to use the built-in PowerPoint charts, but instead use shapes or images, this tool will help you calculate the correct proportions for those objects on your slide. Now, this is a podcast that is brand-new. In fact, it is so new that when I started recording this course, I didn't even know this podcast existed. This is a podcast run by three of my PowerPoint MVP friends, just awesome people if you ask me. So, definitely check this one out if you like podcasts; I know I will. And finally, if you present or use PowerPoint or Keynote or design presentations or templates for others, this is the annual conference you should be attending, The Presentation Summit led by Rick Altman. It is held in a different location every year. This year it will be held just outside of Las Vegas. I will be there, as well as the rest of the PowerPoint MVPs, and many of the PowerPoint developers, the people who actually design and build PowerPoint the program. That's right. But you have to register soon, as Rick likes to keep the conferences small and intimate. That way by the end of the week everyone knows everyone else. Every speaker chosen to lead a session is just fantastic. We're talking keynote caliber speakers all day and all night long. We have sessions go into the wee hours of the evening. Last year we closed out the guru session around midnight and were up and going by 8:00 AM the next day. So, this is most definitely a conference where you will get your money's worth, and I highly recommend it. Oh, and of course, you can always pop by my website, So, that's it. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you around.