Using Office Delve 365 (2016)
  1. Get Started with Delve In this clip, you will find your way around the Delve app by taking a tour of the many navigation features. We'll get started with how to locate the Delve application from the Office 365 homepage. There's two ways that we can launch this application. From the Collaborate with Office online area that you see at the bottom of this page, are all of the Office 365 applications that are available. Now, your listing may differ slightly from what you see here. What we're looking for is the blue tile that has a "D" icon for it for Delve. We can either click directly over this to launch this application, or from the app launcher that we see at the top of the page over in the top left corner. We can access the application from this menu as well with a click. We'll go ahead and launch Delve from this area. We'll get started by navigating our way around with the navigation area that we see to the left. This is called the Quick Launch area. At the top of this menu, we have search where we can perform a keyword search, looking for people, particular boards that you have created. As well as names or content within the documents that part of the content cards of Delve. We'll get into that in a future clip. Let's continue to take a tour around the application. Now, directly below the search area is the homepage. And that is currently the page that we are viewing. On the homepage, over to the right, where it says Popular Documents, this is the area where traditionally, you would see the content cards. That's essentially, everything that Delve is. Well, right now, we're not able to see the content cards and that's okay. Because this may be how it looks for you. If you are new to Office 365 or new to OneDrive for Business. You're really not going to see any content until you've been working in OneDrive for Business within content, like documents, those different types of files that you may be working in, either in Word online, PowerPoint 2016, any of the other applications like Excel and OneNote, Access, Project whatever it may be. As you work in these documents, and you work in these documents with your colleagues, or anyone else that you're sharing these documents with. It's sending out signals. Now these signals that are being sent, are being retrieved by Delve. And it's looking at those signals to see how often you're accessing these documents and making changes. And who you're working in these documents with. What that does, is those signals are then going to surface that content as a content card within the homepage of Delve. So if you're new to Office 365 or you haven't been working in OneDrive for Business very much, there's not going to be any of those signals to serve that information to you within this popular documents area. But we do have a couple of other places where we're going to take a look content cards and get a little bit more familiar with those. So let's move on from the homepage, and a look at the Me page. Now just as it says, the Me page is going to be all about you. The account that you're logged into, Delve, and to Office 365 with. You can see that there is an area for contact information. A way that you can edit your profile and share a bit of information about you and maybe what projects you're working on with your colleagues. There's also an area to create blog posts. We'll get into that in a future clip as well. And over to the right, if we scroll down a bit, here's where you can see some of the recent documents that you've been working on. So these are what the content cards that I was mentioning to you that you would see on the homepage will look like as it starts to get those signals and populate that information for you. So these content cards are going to show things like, how recent you have updated this particular document. I can see that I this document about 8 hours ago. I can also see what type of document it is. So this happens to be a OneNote notebook. And where does that document reside? It resides in my OneDrive for Business library. Now as you're working with these content cards, keep in mind you're only going see content cards for either documents that you own or that you have share rights to. So something that a colleague has shared out with you to either view or edit. You're not going to be able to discover or see anything within Delve that is something that is private or that you've not been given access to. Great. Let's move on within the Quick Launch area to Favorites. Favorites is an area that you can pin content to, to make it easier and quicker to retrieve. Think of how many documents, how many hundreds of documents you may be working with within OneDrive for Business. There could be a lot of things that are being populated within your homepage in Delve. But those things that you work in more frequently, you may want to either pin those to a board that you create. You can see that there are a few of them here at the top, books, events and research. Or maybe even to the Favorite Documents area that we see below here. So right now, we're looking at several different content cards that I have pinned to the Favorites area. Or that I may have actually placed into a particular board. And we are able to see boards at the top of the Favorites area, as I mentioned before, but we're also able to see a section here at the bottom of the Quick Launch area called Boards. So if I'd like to specifically see all of the content that I have placed within the Books board, I can do that by selecting it from this area. And now I'm able to go through and see of these different Word documents that have been added to this board. As you start to work in content that is shared with others, maybe your colleagues, you also are going to see an area called People, that is going to be populated. Now this may be populated in a couple of different ways. It may be based on what you're searching for, or the content that you've been within and accessing through Delve. So if I select a person from this People area, just as I was able to see all of the information about me in the Me area. Within the People area, I am able to see all of J. Peters information as well. So quickly, if I have a question about something that I've been looking at here in Delve, I can start a Skype for Business chat with Peter. As well as how to email him or maybe even see what he has shared out with me that is in his OneDrive for Business library. And then over to the right, if we scroll down within this area, we're able to see recent documents that J. Peter has been working on. This is also in the content card view. And if I'd like to see more than just the recent things that he's been working on, I can click See All, and see all of the documents that he and I have in common. So that's everything from the Quick Launch area. Now let's take a look at the Delve tool bar at the top. If I need to switch to a different application while I'm working in Delve, I can do that from that app launcher that we talked about at the beginning of this clip. So you can always select this and choose a different application that I would like to launch. I can always get back to the Office 365 homepage by clicking directly over where we see this on the toolbar. Click over to the right, you may see a couple of different icons maybe than what you're seeing on my toolbar. I've created a shortcut for OneDrive. The bell next to that is the notification area. If there's anything that it needs to remind me about or maybe a notification of something new that I've shared from OneDrive for Business, or something that I've pinned within Delve, this is the area that we would see that. At the moment, there's nothing new that I need to be notified about. The cog to the right of that is your settings. So this is where you can turn on particular features if you'd like, change the theme of the page as well, and also see tips about how you can get more out of Delve. The question mark to the right of this is your help. This Tell Me feature is a great way for you actually to type in what you're trying to do. Maybe you're trying to create a new board. And it will walk you through the process of doing that. And then the picture placeholder to the right of this is going to have all the information like who you're logged in currently as within Office 365. The About Me page that you can also customize as well as signing out of Office 365. One last tip to share, if you'd like to get the most out of Delve, and you do have a mobile device, no matter what the operating system is, it could be an Apple iOS device, a Windows device or an Android device, you can get the Delve mobile app from the bottom of the Quick Launch area. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you in the next clip.

  2. Working with the Content Card In this clip you will learn how to get the most information out of the content cards. Delve into who has recently made changes, share content with others, pin content to a board for easy organizing, and favorite content for quick retrieval. We'll get started from a people page. Right now we're looking at J. Peter's recent documents and we've accessed this from the quick launch area within the people group from selecting the name of who we'd like to view. Now what we're taking a look at his page, we can see his recent documents over here to the right. These are not all of the documents that he has shared with me. These are just a few of the most recent things that he has made changes to or posted and shared with me. While we're looking at these content cards, let's get a little bit familiar with ways that we can get more information about this and pin it for quick retrieval. Here we can see three particular documents. This first document we know is a workshop document. We can see that it's posted within J. Peter Bruzzese's OneDrive for Business library. In the next content card is a PDF. Now when we hover over these content cards, you'll notice that it changes and it's showing us where that is positioned. So the first content card, if we look over to the left, we now know is a PowerPoint-type file. If we look to the right of the content card we currently have selected, we can see that that is a PDF. Something else that we can notice with these, the first two content cards have the names at the bottom. These are boards that have been created to be able to pin the content to that board and kind of keep everything organized that may be a particular category or have to do with a certain project. We can see that the first content card has to do with an event. The second content card has to do with a book. If we'd like to take a quick look at everything that has been placed within that board, we can do that from the bottom of the quick launch area here and go directly out to those boards, and see everything that has been pinned. The third item that we have here does not belong to any boards yet and if we would like to pin that to a board we actually need to choose the nugget at the bottom to switch the view of this content card. From here we can actually type in the name of the board directly over where it says add to a board. After we select enter, we now see the name Conversational Geek overlapping that particular content card and we do see the name of it below. As well, if you look in the quick launch area, we now see a Conversational Geek board that appears here. There's one other way that we can actually access these boards and that's within the favorites area of the quick launch navigation pane. Before we do that, and that's favorites right here that we're going to go back to in just a moment, let's take a look at another way that we can flag content for quick retrieval. So boards was the first way we can do that, the other way that we can do that is by selecting the star in the upper right corner of the content card. That adds this cards to the favorites area. If we needed to make this no longer part of the favorites we can click once more and that will remove it from the favorites area. Let's go ahead and favorite this FS Workshop one more time. Now let's switch over to favorites and take look at what we have within this particular page. Here we can see the FS Workshop content card that we just added to the favorites by select that star. This is the actually favorites document grouping that we're looking at right now. All of these particular content cards have been added to the favorites area. As well from this area we can click over the star to remove this from favorites. We also have the undo if something has been removed by accident, we can undo that last action. If we scroll back up to the top of this page, just above favorite documents is the favorite boards. You'll notice these are all of the same names that we see within the boards area below. At the moment I only see Conversational Geek and Books within this boards area. Not see Events and Research. If I'd like to go to one of these boards I can select it from the top of the area or with the names that we see within the navigation pane, we can select those as well. There are no items at the moment that have been pinned to research therefore it is empty. That could very well be why we are not seeing it within the boards area of the quick launch navigation pane. Let's go back to J. Peter's page once more and take a look at an expanded view of the content that J. Peter has shared with me. As I mentioned, these are just the recent documents or content cards that we are seeing here. We'd like to see everything that we have in common that we're working on, I can go to see all, see all of the documents that he has either shared with me to be able to edit or view. These are just enlarged content cards that we are looking at here. We can scroll through and see two-by-two all the content cards. If we go back up to the top of the list, since this is a rather lengthy list, I could filter this list based upon the type of file that I would like to see. Right now we're just looking at the common file types. We also have the capability to show everything or actually specify what type of a file it is that we're looking for. If I'd only like to see PowerPoints, let's go ahead and filter that and refine that listing. You can see that there is only one match that is a PowerPoint, everything else is still there, simply hidden while we have this filter enabled. To set that back, I can either choose common file types or show everything. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next clip.

  3. All About Me In this clip you will not necessarily learn all about me, but rather all about the Me area of Delve. How you can customize your profile, find favorites, and where blogs can be created. Of course we'll get started within the Me area. This can be accessed from the quick launch area over to the left. And the Me area includes a lot of information that you can customize. So we're going to start with how you can build your profile. First thing we'll start with is changing your cover photo. You can see here that I do have a yellow flower background and to change this we're going to select the Change cover photo. There are several that are included. You can see these are panoramic style photos that we can use. Let's go ahead with the rolling green hills. And if you'd like to change your photo, your actual profile photo, you can do this by selecting the camera. And that's going to take you out to your settings where you can upload or select a photo that you have from your device. But let's take this one step further and let's move down to where we see edit profile. Now this About me that you see, we actually have a nugget that we can use, this arrow, to actually expand and collapse this particular area. So when we have it collapsed we're just seeing the contact information and when we expand that we can see whatever's been added to the about area. Let's go to the Edit profile page and take a look at where this can be updated. So this is actually taking us out to the my SharePoint area. So part of the SharePoint portal that you have within your organization. And it's taking us to the edit details page. Now we're in the Basic Information area. This is where you can update your name, include the About me paragraph that we were just seeing on the Me page, change your photo. So just where we were clicking on the camera next to that profile photo. This is also where it's going to take you to be able to update that. Now to the right of all of this content is also who can see this content. So the default setting is everyone can see this content. You can also include information that your colleagues can ask you about. So anything that you are specialized within or maybe particular projects or teams that you're working with. Include all of that information in the Ask Me About. The other two key areas that you can update is Contact Information and Details. So Contact Information is things like your email address, if you'd like to include a mobile phone, a home phone, or your office location. Maybe even who your assistant is. We also have Details. Additional information on those projects you're working on. Maybe more about your skill set. What schools you've attended or anything else of interest that you'd like to share with your colleagues. For these particular details you do have drop downs that you can select from on who can see this information. So the traces are either everyone or only me. Whenever you see these three dots, these ellipses, this is going to show you additional areas that you may want to include. Like your Newsfeed Settings or your Language and your Region. That's everything that we're going to take a look at as far as editing your details. So we'll go ahead and save all and close. This popup is just letting you know that it may take a few minutes or more for it to update all of those changes. Once we click okay this will take us back to the Me page. Just below the Me area where we were looking at the about, is Blog. Let's go ahead and scroll down and take a look at Blog. We do have a separate clip that we'll get into how you can author blog post. But just to get familiar with what this is all about. If any of your colleagues are searching for you and they go to the Me page, about you, they can actually read your blog post. So your blog post will show up as well within the home feed of Delve. So here we have a few recent blog posts and any of these blogs can be selected to view the entire article. It is of course going to place this on a new page. Here we have the title of the blog post, when it was created, and then the contents of that. The contents of your blog can include many things, like images and videos as well. Let's go back to the Delve page. And over to the right is all of the content that you have been working in. So we have a few different content cards here. These are OneNote notebooks and if I'd like to see everything that I have available from OneDrive for business I can click See all and view all of the content cards. But if there is something in particular that I would like to open in and work within. These content cards are not just information about that particular document, but it's also a shortcut to that document. So if I'd like to this particular notebook I'll go ahead and click right over that and now within a tab of the same browser OneNote Online is opening and it will be able to work within that notebook. Now since these content cards are structured to show you specific documents. What we were looking at were different sections of the same OneNote notebook. So that particular content card took us to the Social Media Campaign section of the work notebook that I've been working in. So we'll go ahead and switch back to the Delve Me page. We'll take a look at one last feature. Anytime that you see this smiley face included in any of the Office 365 applications this is your opportunity to give Microsoft feedback specific about that application. So by selecting Feedback you can let them know if there's something that you like, something that you dislike, or maybe even a suggestion for something that doesn't quite exist yet within Delve or any of the other applications. So by saying that I have a suggestion, I could even include something like a star rating system for content cards. Once we submit this it now will be available for others to vote on. The more votes that each of these suggestions receive the higher up the list it goes for Microsoft to potentially develop that feature. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next clip.

  4. Authoring Made Easy In this clip, you will learn how to author and publish blog posts including adding and formatting texts, adding pictures, videos, and documents. We'll get started with the Me page. This is where the blog area is located. It's just below the contact information. Now, within this blog area there are a few ways that we can access what's currently available. If you're new to using Delve and blogging from Delve, you may not have anything in this area except for the New Post link. I've already posted a few blog entries and we can see all of these listed in chronological order. Now, there may be more to see than just a new post and some existing blogs. There could also be saved blog postings that haven't been quite published yet. So, let's start first by taking a look at what a new post would look like and then we'll look through those other choices. This is the template we're going to use to create the blog posting. If you take a look at the top on the toolbar, you can see that we've moved from Delve to Microsoft Sites which is part of the SharePoints sites, or your SharePoint portal. Below this toolbar, it's also going to have the name of who you are logged into Office 365 with. And to the right of that, it's pointing out that this draft that you may be working on has not been saved yet. So, as some of the other Office 365 applications autosave your work for you, this works a little bit differently. So, if we look over to the right of Draft not saved, we do have that floppy disk Save icon that you can use as well as Publish. So as you go through and you add content and you work through those drafts and revisions, make sure that you save it every once in a while. And then when you're ready to actually publish that for others to see, that's when you'd select Publish just to the right of that. The trash can below Publish is to send this blog posting to the Recycle Bin. There are ways that we can take out elements if we've added, maybe, some images or videos or documents that we'd like to switch out. You can take care of those individual components each on their own. You don't have to delete their entire post. Within the first frame that you see here is where you can click to insert an image. It's also where you'll include the title and the subtitle. Now, as you click through these areas you may also see a toolbar up here that will allow you to do some basic formatting like we can do here with the body paragraph. And as you work through this body paragraph this plus sign is going to give you the capability to actually change the type of text that you are working with so to give some formatting to that as well as add additional types of content like an image, a video, and a document. Let's go 'head and save this. Even though we haven't added anything yet, it will just be an untitled blog post. And once we've done that it's going to take us back to all blog posts. So, from here we can see that we can create another new post. Here's the untitled post that we just saved a draft of, and here's another unpublished post that we're going to work in in just a moment. Now below that, we do have two different posts that have been published, and then we do have something else that has had changes to it recently but has not quite been published yet. So, let's go 'head and open this Office Online blog post. And with this we can see that we do have a title and a subtitle. We also can see that it has not been published yet, and there has been some body text that has been added to this as well. Now, I'm not actually able to edit this quite yet by clicking on these different elements. The first thing that I need to do is actually change this from viewing to editing mode. We're going to do that in the top right corner. Now that we've switched to that, to the Edit mode, you can see the choices here at the top right have changed back to Save and Publish as we were seeing it in that new blog posting just a moment ago. Over next to my name, as well, on this toolbar we can see that this post has been saved. Now once we make some more changes, of course, we're going to want to save that again. And now that we are in the editing mode, I can see that this is a placeholder for me to add an image to make that the background image of this post. Let's go 'head and start by doing that. The default place for adding images from is OneDrive, and here you can see a listing of the different folders that is is referencing within my OneDrive for Business library that I may want to find some images from. If I'd like to find that image from the device that I'm working on, I'll go 'head and switch that to My Device, and that will browse out to the Pictures folder. And since we are writing something about the office online chat, we'll grab the screen capture that we'd like to use as that image. And now behind the title and the subtitle you can see the image that was just inserted. At any time if I'd like to change that to a different image, I can click over the the same area in the middle of the picture here and go ahead and find a different image to swap that out with. Now let's go 'head and scroll down to the body paragraph that we have listed here. And if I'd like to make any modifications to this existing text, I can do that by selecting the text and working with the toolbar just above. And to expand this text area, just use the enter key on your keyboard. We'll go 'head and insert a link here. Now, for inserting this link you can see that we do have the chain link on the toolbar to add a hyperlink. So, I'm going to select that first, and then I'll go ahead and paste in the URL that I'd like to reference. Now this makes it a clickable link so that anyone that is reading this blog posting, they would be able to just click right over that and go directly to that website. Great, now that we have the link, let's add some text just above that. Notice next to each of these text boxes we do have the Recycle Bin, so at any time we can delete just that individual element. Just as we have the delete or the Recycle Bin to the right, that's actually going to delete the entire post. So keep in mind not every trash can that you see next to these elements is the same. The one in the very top right is to delete everything that we see here. And then the one to the right of each of the elements is going to individually delete that piece or that part. Alright, we'll go 'head and save this post, and here we can see the updated post that is still unpublished. Let's go ahead and select that one more time. And before we actually edit this and publish this so that others can see this within Delve and maybe some other areas of SharePoint and Office 365, let's take a look at the other choices that we have in the top right. So from here we can actually share this blog post out via email. It's going to send them a link to this particular post. We can create a new post, and if we're ready to edit, and this is where we'll need to go if we're ready to publish this, we'll go ahead and select edit. And we've already saved the changes that we've made and we're ready to publish. Let's go ahead and do that now. And now we're back to the blog area of the Me page, and you'll notice that the blog entry just published is not quite showing up yet. And that's because it may take a few minutes or more to replicate across the network and show up, get those signals that it needs to from the SharePoint site, delivered to Delve in order for that blog post to show up within the blog area here as well as the homepage of Delve and other places. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next clip.

  5. Search for Content and People In this clip, you will learn how to get the most out of Delve by searching for content and finding people. No matter what page you're on within Delve, you can always search everything within Delve. I'm currently on the Me page and if I'd like to search I'm going to do that by starting with the Search field that we see at the top of the Quick Launch navigation pane. While we're performing a search you can do this by typing part of a word, a complete word or a name, or an entire phrase or sentence. Let's go ahead and start this by searching for a particular person. So just by typing in the name Tim in we're going to see some results that are refined. To the right within the content card area, we're going to see everything that is a match called out by yellow highlighting. So within the first three content cards that we see here, we can see tim, which is actually part of the word time or times within each of these content cards. Now as we scroll down throughout these content cards, we may see some other matches that are also called out in the same way. Something else that we see happening in the Quick Launch area is the People area had more than one name listed in this and now it has filtered and narrowed down those results to only show the match as Tim Duggan. Let's go ahead and clear the search just to bring back the results so that you can see everything prior to performing the search. So within the Quick Launch area we do see two people listed in the People area and we also see two boards listed below that. As we typed in that name, and let's give it a bit more information. Instead of just Tim, type part of the last name as well. Now we can see within that Quick Launch area that the Boards area is hidden, because there are no matches to a name of a board to what we're searching for. And the People area has been refined to only show one person as a match to what we're searching for. Now if we take a look over in the Search results area where the content cards are, we're seeing a couple of ways that are just showing us a match. So we do see a last name that is a partial amount within this first content card. And then we do see the complete phrase, or complete first name and part of the last name, as a match here as well. If we go ahead and scroll down, we're not seeing any other matches at the moment. Now if this is a person that I'm looking for and I'm not necessarily looking for the name as it's called out within a document or the content card, but I'd like to get a bit more information about Tim Duggan, I can select his name from the People area and that will take me to his profile page. But instead let's go ahead and do a search for a board name. Anywhere that we see the word events, whether that is a board name, or within a content card, or if it is part of a person's name as well. We're going to see those results highlighted in yellow within the content cards. So if we go to the right, we can see each of those matches highlighted within yellow, as we scroll through additional matches. And then over to the left we see that our Boards listing that had more than one board listed has now been filtered to only showing us the match for events. If we'd like to see everything that is within that board, we can go ahead and select it and go directly to that board with all of the pinned or favorite content cards that are part of the Events board. Now once you've made a selection from the Boards area, the People area, or the Content area where it finds a match, you'll notice that it has cleared that particular search. So, two ways to clear search by selecting a content that matches, or if you do have a search that is being performed, like we were just looking at events, selecting the X to the right to clear that search.