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aright stop, collaborate and listen . . .
Office for Mac
Installing Office 2016:
Office 365:
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What is Slack:
I am using MS Excel, and I want to have all of my cells automatically color themselves based on the value in the cell. For example, I want all YES values to be green, all NO values to be Red, and all MAYBE values to be Yellow. Can you help me?
I am using MS Outlook and I want to change the way the application is laid out. My email is currently below a list of emails, but I want to show the preview to the right of the list instead. Can you help me change that?
I am using MS Outlook and I want to change the font that I use for reply emails. By default it’s making all of my replies in blue text, but I want replies to use the same email font color (black) that I use for sending an email.
I am using MS Outlook and I want to create a signature and set that signature to automatically show up at the bottom of all new emails. Can you help me?
I want to upload a document to Google Drive and share that document with another person so we can both edit it. Can you help me?
skype for business
How do I setup a Skype meeting between three different locations? We use Skype in our office and in our email but I don’t know how to set it up.
I had an employee leave my office who had my QuickBooks Online account password. Can you help me change my password so they won’t be able to access my account?
I am about to do my taxes and need to get a copy of my receipts for QuickBooks Online. Can you help me get that, or do I need to call Intuit?
I am paying some of my bills from QuickBooks Online and I want to make sure my account number for the vendor that I’m paying is in the memo field of the check. Can you help me set that up automatically, or do I just need to write it in?
I want to see all of the charges that I have charged to a specific customer of mine. Is there a way I can see that / report on that in QuickBooks?
Can you help me reset my password for my FreshBooks account? I think someone may have the password
Assurant Links
Dynamics (ca6886||e2fahgzktlbpony)
Intercom (
Software Support
Production Dynamics Link
Impact 365 (IE|jhuang|password)
Outlook (
Reportal (|reportal)
Timesheet (cgsinc\jhuang|Ndy%3ste9)
UR Links
HEAT (Firefox)
RM Printers